Meridian G-08 or ProAc Response TriTower Upgrade

My system was downsized but I'm getting back into the audio arena slowly. I am going to be making a +/- $2500 upgrade and am cosidering the following: Either upgrading my Pioneer Elite PD-65 cd player to a Meridian G-08 cd player...or upgrading from Totem Hawk speakers to ProAc Response TriTower speakers. I have only heard these once before but liked them and always wanted to try in my system ever since. I know the hawks are pretty good though and I am happy with them, but I am using these as a temporary speaker that I can live with for a few years until retirement.I know the front end is very important to upgrade but my Pioneer Elite PD-65 has a updated clock so it is no slouch, but I should probably upgrade this cd player first of all. Any suggestions???

My system is:

Pass Labs XA-30.5 amp
Pass Labs X0.2 preamp
BPT 3.5 Signature Ultra power conditioner
Pioneer Elite PD-65 cd player
Totem Hawk speakers
Audiopath custom silver cables/ic's from Tom Hills at Hudson Audio

Thanks in advance for your input!
Before I got the G08 I had demoed the esoteric sa-10. To me the sa-10 was too detailed and sterile sounding. The G08 has a lot of detail but has better prat. In other words the G08 would get my toes tapping where the sa-10 just didn't do it for me. Again try to demo it in your home.
You need a new DAC, it's your limiting factor, and you'll be prepared for a computer based server, when you get around to it. Use the PD-65 as a transport; I've used one forever. The rest of your system looks very nice.
Make sure you listen to that G08 at length. I heard it when it just came out at a head-fi meet and was absolutely blown away. I lusted for it for weeks after that and finally bit when a dealer friend of mine cut me a deal on one he'd ordered for a customer in Black and received in Silver.

It was my biggest disappointment in audio in my own system (and ironically the most I've spent on any single component). I struggled for 6 weeks to love it but ultimately felt it had no soul.

I exchanged emails with two other forumers who bought one within a week of me and they too were disappointed and ended up selling within a few months. I don't mean to bash meridian as I owned and liked a 508.20 but just make sure the G08 is for you.

On the other hand, while I haven't heard the speakers you propose, ProAc Response 2s driven by VTL TT-25s was something quite special to my ears.
You could get a reasonably priced DAC for the time being ,and use the PD-65 as a transport.
By the way, I bought my PD S-95 for $750.00 here on Audiogon, and I just love it. It is a great performer, and it is just the most elegantly built piece I've ever owned. I hope it never breaks.
I've done some more research, and the ProAc Response TriTowers were designed primarily for home theater use. The tall and skinny style has been designed to fit next to a plasma/lcd tv. The woofer, midrange and tweeter are higher up off the floor to duplicate sound coming from a tv higher up on a wall. ProAc says that these towers need to be be placed on or ddirectly near the rear wall to achieve desireable bass. I've read that even if they come out a few feet from the rear wall, all of their bass output is lost. So I decided to pass up the the tritowers and keep the totem hawks for awhile.