Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Do yourself a favor and go to Jeff Day Blog at jeffsplace.me and read his change in his Dueland Cast to the Western Electric 16ga to his Tannoy Westminster Royals...read the rest of his material WE wire his Macs, Garrard 301, and his other stuff. Extremely informative. In case you don't know Jeff formerly reviewed for 6 Moons and currently for Positive Feedback. Most important read all about Shirokazu Yazaki-san, the designer of the SS SPEC Real Sound amplifier reviewed in Positive Feedback by Jeff Day. Yazaki-San was gracious enough to turn all of us on to the WE 16ga speaker cable and Belden 8402 interconnect; Yazaki-San is a master 300B builder/designer with vast knowledge. He was kind to share his information and has made many folks happy by turning us on to these wires. Many of us have dumped multiple thousan dollar speaker cables and interconnect for the WE and Belden and are ecstatic that we did. Best, Rob
There is certainly something about this wire since so many like it. However, those of us with resolving systems mostly find that, when compared to other good wire, the WE wire doesn't offer the same level of resolution. This doesn't surprise me since we are comparing stranded, tinned, TPC to OCC, silver ribbon (in the case of Dueland) and other well-designed wire. I am surprised it is good enough to consider allowing it to remain in our systems. I have to admit, the midrange has very good timbre and depth and the bass is better than with my reference wire, because the WE provides full-bodied, powerful bass (like my reference) but with out the excessive bloom that can lead to boominess on some material.

I am not a cable fanatic, and the 1% difference in conductivity between TPC and OCC is not likely enough to be audible, but I am surprised how listenable this tinned and stranded wire with plastic dielectric sounds in my system. I suspect there is a combination of things going on and, in this case, maybe two wrongs end up making things sound right.

I am going to construct the Belden ICs, and then another set of speaker cables using the WE 10awg wire I am going to receive this week, and then I am going to go back to my original project and construct another set of speaker cables using Jupiter copper in cotton wire. I have one set of the Jupiter SCs that sound great but they were constructed for my NC1200 monos that I finally decided to sell, so I need a longer set for my stereo amp that I plan on keeping. I am glad I will be able to choose from several offerings that all sound good but none of which cost a ridiculous amount of money.
I know this is all about the WE 16ga wire but I've added to the conversation about the Supra Ply 3.4W speaker wire (which is also tinned stranded copper) and I'm experiencing nothing of the sort being described here as to the too dense midrange and rolled off or shelved highs.

What highs I do have are no longer piercing or etched and lack the air that I thought was natural but now feel is much more accurate. They are articulate and go on in the realm of decay and ambience but no longer shine and shimmer at the expense of body and weight.

As good as the WE 16ga wire is, maybe the Supra is better as it simply gets out of the way of the music and seems, to my ears, to leave no fingerprints.

All the best,
All your descriptors of the Supra 3.4 apply to the WE16ga. The 16ga is NOT too dense midrange or rolled off and shelved highs. Not in my system, Grannyring, Jeff Day, Yazaki-san, and all the others that are wiping out the remaining WE16ga wire. You read, I believe, the Day blog, his readers' responses, The Decware blog respondents, and so forth. Mitch 2 is the second person making this type of comment out of multiple hundreds...I'm glad I got this wire, most folks like me have sold multiple thousand dollar speaker cables and interconnects for this musical WE16ga and Belden 8402 interconnect. What was brought to the table was inexpensive stuff that competes well or bests many of the high priced offerings. More than a few folks selling PS Audio, Sablon, their silver, and so on and do forth. As the cliche on Agon goes, YMMV. As a musician Resolution doesn't mean much to me in the context of "listener bias" as above. But the WE has excellent resolution, transparency, timbre, texture, tone color, and connection to the music in a natural organic way, including all the other audiophile virtues. Best, good listening, Rob
Another point to note, Mitch2, this is not an apple to apple comparison. If you have a too thick midrange perhaps it is because of the way you constructed the wiring? Most of us have followed the Yazaki-san, Jeff Day simplicity route...with bare wire all WE16ga, single run per pole. No mixing of various gage as you have done. Best, Rob