Hegel Design Flaw?

I recently had an unfortunate experience with a Hegel H20 power amp. And I know of someone who had a problem with a Hegel integrated a couple of years ago. This leads me to believe there may be a hidden design flaw with some Hegel products. Has anyone else had problems with Hegel?

Thank you very much for this helpful suggestion. I will give it a try.

The Atma-Sphere S-30 drives the Raidho C1.1s with more than enough headroom thanks to Paul Speltz Zero-Autotransformers.
The Atma-Sphere S-30 drives the Raidho C1.1s with more than enough headroom thanks to Paul Speltz Zero-Autotransformers.
I never understood why adding a transformer to an OTL just to make it work. Either buy a bigger OTL or different type of amp IMO.

I auditioned Atma-Sphere M-60 with Paul Speltz Zero-Autotransformer driving Acoustic Zen Crescendo. It sounds fantastic on less demanding material but overall had trouble controlling the speaker. Acoustic Zen Crescendo is much easier to drive than C1.1.

Ralph Karsten or Paul Speltz may want to chime in with a technical explanation. The fact is that without the Speltz Zeros the Raidho C1.1s are hard to drive. But with them the sound is stunning and there is loads of headroom.

You stated, "I auditioned Atma-Sphere M-60 with Paul Speltz Zero-Autotransformer driving Acoustic Zen Crescendo. It sounds fantastic on less demanding material but overall had trouble controlling the speaker."

There are 3 or 4 levels of adjustment with the Zero-Autotransformers. Perhaps the level was not the correct one. Is that possible? I am puzzled about your lack of success with the Speltz. How did this control problem manifest itself in terms of SQ?