Great female voices

I've always been fascinated by wonderful female voices (who isn't?) and have come across a couple recently that I want to share.

Rhiannon Giddens' solo album "Tomorrow is My Turn", produced by T-Bone Burnett, is an extraordinary recording of one of the great voices I've heard in many years, with a vocal and stylistic range that I've seldom heard from any other singer, ever.

And the Portuguese Fado singer Ana Moura has an amazingly beguiling voice. Try her album "Desfado" which has a version of Joni Mitchell's "A Case of You" that rivals the original.
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She's very unique for a little kid, singing like a much older and affected singer. But at that age I suspect its mostly imitation. How affected and genuine can someone that age be singing the blues like the immortal Dinah Washington? VEry impressive nonetheless. I wish her luck.

Give the kid a break. How genuine are most female singers many audiophiles drool over? They pump out easy-listening elevator music. There is no emotion. Their primary objective is to sound pretty and put someone to sleep while they sip scotch.
"Give the kid a break. "

She's very talented for her age.

Not sure how much more of a "break" I can give her.

I just do not find a grade school child singing the traditional blues very compelling. Its more disturbing to me than entertaining. That song and most others are for adults.

There is nothing I find more uplifting than children singing in general. Perhaps that's why I seem to find a child singing the blues disturbing.

My advice would be to apply her singing talents in other ways for now. My wish would be that she never have to truly sing the blues from her heart.