Bose 901's with "highend ancillaries"??

I STILL see Bose 901's are available here and maybe new after umpteen years in existence and yet I have still never hear a pair (unless you count the occasional high school concert which used the professional version).

Has anyone ever used these with "highend" gear, and if so what was the result??

Just curious if there is actually something good about the speaker other than the marketing the Bose Corporation has done over the years as they have never been inexpensive and even now hold their value pretty well.

And while I ma sure one can do better for the $$$ etc etc I am only looking for comments on how they actually SOUND - strengths and weaknesses
I saw a pair of tiny Totem Arros going for over $2K at a local dealer yesterday.

Yowsa! weren't these almost half that price not so long ago?

Granted they are good sounding speakers for their diminutive size but they are TINY!!!!

I like the sound of the Arros but the price for that tiny package no matter how good really struck me.

I'll stick to buying used online whenever I can I suppose.
I also saw a sizeable rack of new issue old title records there mostly in the $30-$40 range and higher, and a lot of new entry level turntables at various more reasonable price points I thought. I guess if you buy the expensive records you get to buy a turntable for a fairly reasonable cost. Kinda like buying a cheap cellphone and the expensive services that go with it. The whole thing kinda made me sick that this is what B&M "high end" audio has come to.
I was never that impressed with some have mentioned...bloated bass and virtually no treble extension...some prefer this type of "dark" sound...personally I wouldn't bother with them on the used market...much better products to be had...the EQ design another major flaw
Kartikeyp I have heard all those you mentioned except for the silver lines. Imo the tannoy prestige is the one to go for. Close second for me would be the devores and a distant third the coincidents. Coincident has a different presentation, more detailed and lean which I find isn't emotionally engaging. Ymmv
Thanks Analogluvr. Surprised to hear that coincident are lean. But your feedback will be a great help as I am looking at more musical and involving sound. Good to hear you are enjoying Tannoys. Actually out of all the above mentioned speakers, Tannoy is the only brand available in my country. But they are yet to introduce the Prestige series here. I have requested audition for Tannoy DC 10 Ti with a local dealer. I've heard DC 10 Ti sound would be pretty close to prestige series. Although it doesn't have driver with Alnico magnet. Will keep you posted on my experience.