Is no preamp really better that a good preamp?

Hi All, I have PS Audio gear, and both my DAC and my phono section have enough gain to run directly to the amp. Is this really the optimal arrangement, or might I actually get better sound by adding a good preamp, say a Cary or a Modwright tube unit, to the mix. Thanks in advance.
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09-28-15: Almarg
Not to disagree with two of my favorite and most respected A'gon colleagues (Ralph & Jon), but if:

I too Al have respect for Ralph, and have praised his OTL amps many times in these forums and others when partnered with the "right speaker".
But I'm at a loss also in this thread, makes me think there is something else at play.

Cheers George
Thanks, Al, for your informative input as always.

What intrigues me is what I hear when I add a preamp in the chain(I started off direct from source to power amp).
I get more :-
1. dynamics
2. air around instruments
3. tonal body to instruments
4. solid bass foundation for orchestral works
5. soundstage depth, width and height
6. liquid flow of musical notes
7. musicality or PRAT

If all that is distortion, euphemisms aside, then so be it. Instruments just sound more natural and live than without the preamp.
When the supposedly more "accurate" signal sounds less natural and live, then things get very puzzling here. I can only trust my own ears, all electronics theory aside.

Cheers! J.
Maybe you missed this :-
"Since I like the overall sound of the K-01 and my system, and do not wish to change any component for big financial reasons...."
And this.....

09-24-15: Guidocorona
George, I'm really sorry to hear that.... Filters on K-01 do a great deal of work. I agree that without filters and with no upsampling, the sound of K-01 is something that only its Moma could love.

Yet, the 5 filter options combined with the upsampling options let the user taylor the behavior of the unit a great deal.... If you enjoy a warm sound, all you need do is select S_dly1.... And then upsample / or not to taste. For me, Nirvana was reach with S_dly2 and 4x upsampling.

Of course, if you are allergic in principle to the very concept of filters and upsampling... That would be a different ball of wax.

Guidocorona (Threads | Answers | This Thread)