Most achingly-beautiful music

Ultimately, we listen to music to be moved, for example, to be elated, exulted, calmed or pained. Which are the 3 most affecting pieces of music do you find the most affecting?
Drubin, Newbee, find the Delos recording of the Voices of Ascension (downtown from you, Drubin, in Manhattan) singing the Durufle Requiem, I think you may find that to your liking as well. They're style of singing (flat tone) serves the plainsong origins of the Durufle perfectly.
I'd have to second Papertrail's choice, "Brothers in Arms" definitely an emotional and beautiful song.

I can’t imagine a Vietnam veteran who could listen to that without losing it. I was never in the war, but I’ve had to turn it off a couple of times to avoid falling apart. I admit it.
On any given day, my list will change. Woe is me, there is too much good music! Here is today's list.

1.Bach, Liebster Gott, wenn will ich sterben? The recent Suzuki/Bis release has A+ sonics and B+ performance (Herrewehge on Harmonia Mundi is even more touching, but dated sonics) As you listen, think about the joyful, eager anticipation with which death was anticipated at that time.
2/Schutz - Die Sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kretz,( Suzuki/Bis is a good bet, the older John Elliot Gardner is better, but dated sonics again.
3. Beethoven, symphony 7, 2nd movement- Live performance by Mario Venzago and Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, June 2003- This was the most beautiful performance of any music, live or recorded, I have ever heard. Wow! I was stunned, and fighting back the tears. Telarc needs to come to Indy and see what's happening here!