Is no preamp really better that a good preamp?

Hi All, I have PS Audio gear, and both my DAC and my phono section have enough gain to run directly to the amp. Is this really the optimal arrangement, or might I actually get better sound by adding a good preamp, say a Cary or a Modwright tube unit, to the mix. Thanks in advance.
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
Thanks, George. I suppose an additional possibility is that high frequency noise resulting from a ground loop condition between a DAC and a power amp could enter the DAC's output circuit and find its way via grounds, power supplies, stray capacitances, etc. to the D/A converter device and/or its surrounding circuitry, causing an increase in jitter.

Of course, depending on the specific designs introducing a preamp between the DAC and the power amp could either resolve such a problem, introduce such a problem, or make no difference.

-- Al
Many thanks, Al, for the heads up.
When we trust our own ears as PM did, the sound truth is revealed as is.
We also understand a little bit more about the theory behind the listening experience.
Cheers! J.
For most of us who are untrained in electronics, we just go by what has been posted previously in this thread :

"Well, it's all very simple then.
1. Start with no preamp in the chain.
2. Then add preamp.
3. If adding preamp makes the sound better, keep it.
4. If adding preamp makes the sound worse, remove it.
Preamp or no preamp brigades become superfluous very quickly here."
I believe you have experienced a TVC before. I did read the review about the Bespoke TVC in Stereophile this month. If anything, I think it was a waste - giving the TVC to a reviewer who already has a biase against "passives". I got a $4k preamp home to see what I am missing against my TVC. And to my surprise, I found my TVC superior to the active preamp. I am sure you are aware that TVC will work only with a matching system. You cannot have an amp/source/speakers that are low in sensitivity.
I will sure seek out to other active preamps in future, when I get a chance, but I agree that the lesser the "electronics" in the chain, the lesser the distortion of the original music. Some folks will opt for color over originality.
"Some folks will opt for color over originality."
Not so - not PM or a whole lot of many others. It all boils down to whether there is an improvement in the listening experience.

Fully agree with Almarg :-
"Of course, depending on the specific designs introducing a preamp between the DAC and the power amp could either resolve such a problem, introduce such a problem, or make no difference."