I'm currently using a pair of krell fpb 350m (mono blocks) to run my B&W 801N. I would like more power for my pair of B&W 801N. And I have located a pair of krell fpb 650m (mono blocks) near by and is available for me to purchase. I would like to know will that be a great upgrade for my pair of B&W 801N. Any advice and opinion will help.



Banmac, try this first for no money outlay. This is the way I would use it, and it will be very different.

Leave your preamp out altogether, and go direct, as it looks as though your Esoteric sac x-01 has a volume control built into it looking at a picture of the remote (read your manual).
Try using it (the X-01) direct into the FPB-350 and using the volume control it has, it will still be a perfect match.

As for your 350m amps you have, they would be walking in the park driving those speakers, and quite capable to over drive those speakers you have.
I can only think of one speaker where the 650m would be better and that's with Wilson Alexia's as they are a pig of a load down to .8ohm epdr in the bass, and even then it would maybe just be better.

Cheers George
Its moving sideways, and not by much. Look into a pair of McIntosh Mc1200's. That's going to be all you need! Regards,

Matt M
Hi Highperformancestereodotcom

I am currently using a 200c but not using cast, using XLR.

Are there any improvements to be gained from going to a 300cx?


Am currently using a Krell FPB 200c not running cast but balanced. Would there be any merits in moving to a 300 cx?
