Your favorite recent discovery

What Group or Artist have you discovered in the last few months? Doesn't have to be a new artist, just new to you.
Looking for some ideas.
Almost too many to list thanks to Spotify. Their Browse/Discover feature is very helpful in this regard. Also, not to hijack this thread started in 2004, but readers of this thread might also be interested in visiting "What's In Your CDP Tonight - The Minority Report". While not totally about obscure/new...a fair amount of what's there is. Here are 5 new-to-me artists that I've been enjoying:

The Lord Dog Bird - first (red) album

All Tiny Creatures - Harbors

mewithoutYou - several, but esp. Catch For Us The Foxes & Pale Horses

Bibio - Vignetting the Compost (& various others too)

Damian Jurado - for me mainly his Richard Swift-produced trilogy: Saint Bartlett, Maraqopa, & Bros. & Sisters of the Eternal Son

I could go on ad nauseum, but won't.
Mia Dyson from Australia. Two releases I own are killer: "Parking Lots"; and "Struck Down". Would love to see her live. My latest rock chick obsession.
Tony Rice-Acoustics. Heard of him by way of Jerry Garcia's Pizza Tapes release years back and recognised his name browsing discogs, this one I almost passed over because of the cover.
Fourwnds, get your hands on Rice/Grisman Jazz Quartet, another winner similar but branching out in other directions too. Cheers,