Upgrading - what amp to choose

I'm in the process of looking at upgrading my NAIM 5i - i.e. the one with the jack on the front panel and the passive front end.

I like integrated amps (they take up less space) and I specifically like the NAIM because it runs so cool.

But I'm looking for something that resolves to a higher level with better imaging, but has the punch and clarity of the NAIM.

Budget around $3k

Any thoughts?

Or is my only choice the NAIT XS-2 :-)

Cheers :-)
I'm go also with the pass,stretch little to get better .
Are you looking only SS or willing to try tube?
Thanks for all the suggestions...

I have had my flirtation with tube and found I preferred many aspects of SS,like no tube repalcement :-)

But I do not dispute the many tube qualities either.

So, having said that, can anyone recommend a good tube-SS hybrid?

Hello fellow canadian, in all honesty, I have owned a truckload of amps in the past 25 years. Full tube, solid state, hybrids. The one I enjoyed most is my current Pathos Logos with a small collection of 6922 tubes that I roll for the fun if it. It is powerfull, has that touch of tube magic, and controls low frequencies very nicely. In full disclosure it may become available soon due to change in listening habits (long story!) Tons of reviews out there. Seek one out, its a looker too.
If you are comfortable buying used, then a SuperNait 1 or 2 would both outperform the XS and be within your budget.

The Unitiqute is another option. It doesn't have the punch of the XS, but it's a very solid one-box solution that also includes a built-in dac and streamer.

If you like the sound, an AX-7e might also be something to consider. At the same time, if you definitely prefer the NAIM sound, the Qute and the SN (used) should be on your to-audition shortlist.

Hope that helps,
Sonicbeauty - I went to look at the Pathos the other day, only to find the line had been dropped by the store, so I have to find another retailer, but I'm still looking

I had a hybrid guitar amp, which I liked very much and am wondering if a similar architecture in fi-fi gear might be the best combination for my listening pleasure.

They are definitely on my list.

Courant - when you say "outperform" - from what aspects
- punch?, clarity?, spatial accuracy ?

I do like the NAIM sound for the most part, but I get the impression form various posts that it is lacking a little in presenting a precise and spacious image.

I have upgraded cables to great effect, especially in this particular area, but reading peoples comments about their systems leaves me wondering if there is more to be had

All input appreciated

Many Thanks