Using digital preamp to tube power amp questions

A while ago I was looking into trying tube amplification in my system and received a lot of good advice here. However, at the time I was using Martin Logan electrostatics and just couldn't get comfortable with issues related mostly to the inordinately high current requirements of these speakers. Recently, though, I bought a pair of Serie Reference 3A monitors which I seriously like and decided to pursue the idea again.

The reason for this post is to seek advice regarding the use of a digital preamp (Peachtree Nova) with a tube based amplifier because of the latitude I have with its large number of digital and analog source inputs. If the benefits of using tubes come primarily from the use of the preamp, I'll not pursue this issue. However, if those of you having experience with a similar setup have had good success I'd appreciate hearing from you. My current setup is this: Shanling CD-S100 CD player - Peachtree Nova as preamp - Behringer UltraCurve DEQ 2496 equalizer- Peachtree 220 amp - Martin Logan Ethos or the Reference 3 A's, depending on which speakers I decide to keep.
You will be very happy I bet with the tube output power. The precision of the digital pre will work great with the ability of tube power amps to create a holographic 3D sound stage. I don't think the electrostats will be good, go with the 3As and see if it makes you happy. I think it would. The Tube power amp is what really gives a system the benefits of tubes in my view.
Let us know if you liked it? There is always a chance that the system as put together just isn't synergistic of course , but I bet it will be really special.
If you have tube poweramp and solid state preamp you will benefit from tubes. If you have visa versa you will benefit from solid state amp.
Thanks, that's good to hear. A friend has his eye on a used Cary SET for me (don't know the model yet) that it looks like I'll be able to audition in my home. I'll post the results. Also, I've pretty much decided that I'm keeping the 3a's in my system, anyway, whichever amp I decide to go with.