Is it possible to adapt kt88 to a 6A3 single ended

Is it possible to for kt88/7AC base tubes with an adapter to be plug in a 6A3 SE amp?
You didn't answer my question. Any how, if you do proceed with this amplifier project, let us know your result.

There is a difference between "wild" and educated guesses.

Knowing Al and his background and interests and having read many of his posts, I can assure you his guesses are among the best educated you will find.

Since you asked the question, I'll assume you do not know the answer for certain either.

So there you go.

If you find out anything better or more definitive, please share here.

Whatever you do or not, be safe in doing it.

In the broadest sense, this is a valid question in that it is theoretically possible that the amp would work. But, I don't quite understand what would be the purpose and what benefit one hopes to derive from doing this. Yes, by some miracle it might turn out that the KT88 will sound wonderful as a drop in replacement, but that would truly be a miracle (I hardly expect a KT88 to sound good even in a KT88 amp).

The reason the posters in this thread are merely speculating is because no one has attempted the experiment; no one has seen a reason to even make the attempt because it appears to be a bad idea, with only a hope and prayer of a positive outcome.

Back when we were in grade school, my sister thought it was so funny that some school science projects were based on questions or hypotheses that seemed to inquire into areas where the answer had no use or real interest; this question is the audio equivalent of the "Can guppies live in milk?" question she found so amusing.
Great post, Larry, as always! And I think that your "can guppies live in milk" analogy captures the essence of this discussion perfectly.

Mapman, thanks also. And thanks to Bill (Brownsfan) as well, for the best chuckle of the day :-)

I'm wondering, though, whether there may be more to this thread than initially meets the eye. I note that the OP has chosen not to answer any of the four questions that have been presented to him in the thread thus far. Including who OV may be, whom he nominated in the "Designer Hall of Fame" thread, and who allegedly designed an amp utilizing a single-ended 6A3 as its output tube in an OTL configuration (which cannot possibly work in a reasonable manner in conjunction with a speaker load that is even remotely conventional, as can be shown via some simple calculations), and into which a KT88 can allegedly be directly substituted via a socket adapter.

In that regard, and given the lack of clarification about that amp and its designer, I can't help but also wonder about the fact that among the many positive feedback comments RealDeal has received for sales he has conducted here, there are several in which it can be seen that his first name begins with the letter "O."

Best regards,
-- Al