Scansonic mb serie

Does anyone listen MB serie from Scansonic ?
What about the raidho DNA ?
Does thoses speakers sound like a real raidho ?
yesterday, I heard the ablum Norwegian Mood - Kari Bremnes, never heard the clarity and life like voice on the MB2.5 paired with the 300B tube integrate..

I heard same album in audio shop with no deditcated room through ALLNIC AUDIO T-1500 and Grand Veena BE Loudspeaker, had a great synergy, compared to above set MB2.5 had better clarity and timing, however the Grand veena felt more natural..
Hi Murgeshj,

I think the MB-2.5 is lean, clean and fast. They are also very revealing. Different source systems and cables can make quite a bit difference based on my experience. I've been experimenting interconnects recently. The sound from Synergistic impressed me the most. But they are pricey ($2,000+ MSRP). A budgeted alternative I've found is Silnote Morpheus II Series II (purple label). I think your 'life-like' description is very similar to my experience with the MB-2.5's when they're paired with the right components and cables. Enjoy!
I'm hoping you're right about cables making a difference. I'm hoping to get some Ansuz X speaker cables to replace my Naim NACA5. My dealer says they are a very good cable for the price. I think they are a bit pricey at around $1800-$1900 for a 3M pair but that seems to be a bargain compared to some cables.
My ears are not so prefect to identify the difference on the cables or may I am not such an expert, however the major difference what my ears can identify is on the speakers, amplifier and finally on the source.
I have never used any expensive cables, the most expensive ones what I have used is USD250(may be the only the expensive ones can make the difference, )
I know it sounds unreal to the 'non audiophiles' that cables make difference. You can find a lot of debates if you google the related subjects. Cables do make significant difference in my system. Even the USB cable. Yes, a lot of people criticize the high end USB cabkes and say they are snake oil. I cant explain why (I have a MS degree in Computer Science) but my cuurent USB cable (Anticabkes USB) sounds the best after I've tried several. The are priced from $10(Belkin) to $1,000. Interestingly enough, none of them sound the same. Power cord is another important one if you havent explored yet. But cables are also very system deoendent. Make your own judgement call is what I'd say. Have fun with your 2.5's is the most imoortant thing, isnt it? Happy listening :)