Scansonic mb serie

Does anyone listen MB serie from Scansonic ?
What about the raidho DNA ?
Does thoses speakers sound like a real raidho ?
My ears are not so prefect to identify the difference on the cables or may I am not such an expert, however the major difference what my ears can identify is on the speakers, amplifier and finally on the source.
I have never used any expensive cables, the most expensive ones what I have used is USD250(may be the only the expensive ones can make the difference, )
I know it sounds unreal to the 'non audiophiles' that cables make difference. You can find a lot of debates if you google the related subjects. Cables do make significant difference in my system. Even the USB cable. Yes, a lot of people criticize the high end USB cabkes and say they are snake oil. I cant explain why (I have a MS degree in Computer Science) but my cuurent USB cable (Anticabkes USB) sounds the best after I've tried several. The are priced from $10(Belkin) to $1,000. Interestingly enough, none of them sound the same. Power cord is another important one if you havent explored yet. But cables are also very system deoendent. Make your own judgement call is what I'd say. Have fun with your 2.5's is the most imoortant thing, isnt it? Happy listening :)
How to decide which cable is good for the system, whether it should be based on the speaker or based on the amplifiers?
However I want to invest on the Ansuz cables, but not right now.
I want to get the speakers settled properly, then will make the decisions, till then let the suggestion and experience can be shared.....
I don't think there's a simple answer to the cable selection question. It depends on the whole system from end to end. And some times the answer could be subjective. I try not to over spend on cables since I believe majority of the investment should be in the source, amp and speakers. Cables can really push the system to its limit once you've settled on the major components. Seriously, I think my MB-2.5's outperform some of the entry level big name speakers that are priced at $10k range. But that's just my opinion :)
Hit the 400 hrs burn in mark onto MB2.5, the sound is relaxed and still plenty of details with magic of life-like sound.

When compared to Totem Model'1', the MB2.5 sounds more relaxed, better bass(off course it should sound better being Floor standing), high's have some smooth presentation without loosing the details, however Model'1', has the mid-range presentation a fraction better.

Initially, was worried on the bass booming effect, after few suggestions from Audiogon members, placed foam under the bass ports, which tamed the bass booming, making the MB2.5 worth Buy..
Thanks all

People looking for floor-standing, with small footprints, can have the audition the MB2.5, however please note that, as advised by other MB2.5 owners, MB2.5 need to be placed about 8-9feets from each other to sound best.