Calling all SET fans

What is the least expensive, aka cheapest speaker available
that will do a decent job on classical chamber music on 3-8
watts ?
Do you still have the Triangle Titus?

I've always thought these would do quite well with a set for a lot of music including chamber for not much.b. I would give mine a shot before looking elsewhere.
What is your idea of cheap? The Charney Audio Maestro wit do chamber great at $6500.00
Brownsfan is deeply devoted to classical music as you are. He's very happy with the Coincident Triumph Extreme II with an eight watt amplifier. I trust his taste and discrimination. For less money many people seem to be happy with the Tekton Lores.
Anyone seriously interested in very high efficiency speakers, I would encourage to invest in a modest box modeling program. I see a lot of claims made by manufacturers for bass extension and efficiency that are physically not possible in the size box they are using, unless they make some very optimistic assumptions about boundary reinforcement and/or the contribution of the reverberant field. If you don't believe me, look at Stereophile's measurements of speakers that claim efficiency in the mid-90's or above. Very few come close to delivering on their claims.

Eminence Designer is $79 from Parts Express, and would allow you to make educated evaluations of the claims manufacturers make. This is an easy-to-use and powerful tool, and after a while your own internal "BS detector" will be calibrated well enough that you can just look at a claim and know whether or not it's overly optimistic.

At the very least, something like this would allow you to make valid apples-to-apples comparisons between manufacturers who measure with different yardsticks.


As Charles indicated I really love my Coincident Triumph Extreme IIs. However, at 4K including stands, they are not exactly budget monitors, and at that price, they should deliver the goods (and they do). I will never sell my TEIIs.

Mikirob swears by the Tekton value proposition. He hears as I hear, so if I were looking for something inexpensive, I would start there.

Don't know what amp you have or are considering, but the Coincident dynamo is wonderful at $1250. It is an EL34 based amp running single ended, and has a volume pot so you don't need a preamp if you are using a single source.