Jeff Buckley

17th Nov 1966, Born on this day, Jeff Buckley, US singer songwriter, (1995 album 'Grace'). His singer songwriter father Tim Buckley, died on 29th June 1975 of a heroin and morphine overdose. Jeff Buckley drowned on 29th May 1997 in Wolf River Harbor on the Mississippi River - during a spontaneous evening swim - wearing boots and all of his clothing. He waded into the water fully clothed, singing the chorus of "Whole Lotta Love" by Led Zeppelin. More on Jeff Buckley here:
My first encounter with Jeff Buckley's music was while driving on I-70 north of Dayton, Ohio. "Hallelujah" came on the radio and I was transfixed by the song. After the DJ identified the song and singer I pulled off at the next exit and went looking for a music store.

I found a store but the only Jeff Buckley music they had was "Live From The Bataclan." I bought it and loved it. A few weeks later I purchased "Grace" which has been played regularly.

Buckley's early death is a tragic shame.
Jeff's version of "Hallelujah" is fantastic, as is any version (live or studio) by the song's writer, Leonard Cohen.