DVD-Audio Mint Condition Collection....

DVD-Audio Mint Condition Collection....
I'm dropping this new thread out there to determine if there may be interest from some of you to pick up a good number of mint condition (some never played) mint condition, high-quality DVD-Audio discs in various genres (Classical, Rock, Jazz, New Age/Techo, and many others) including virtually the entire AIX Records DVD-A multi-channel catalog as it existed as of 3 years ago.

Unfortunately (I love the sonics and quality that good DVD-A's provide), after moving away from my Esoteric P-03U/D-03 combo to the CD/SACD-only P-02/D-02 combo and the fact that I no longer have a high-end multi-ch home theater in the current house, I have all these mint-condition DVDA's taking up shelf-space and would like to find them a new home....

If anyone is interested, please respond here and I'll list out the titles in full; once interest is established, I'll then post one or more ads (and undertake the cost of each) to have a proper selling/ad setup.

Let me know of any questions,...thank you!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Nice! Zephyr-

I look forward to your ads. I am ready to buy some of those
discs. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I have the DOORS LA WOMAN dvd-a for sale on discogs for $15 if anyone is interested.

I am interested in several titles:
are you going to post ads or an auction for these discs?

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
An auction for the major groupings in the list above. I don't have time to post over 100 separate ads unfortunately....
Guys...my apologies; I've been traveling for work unexpectedly.  I will be getting back on track and posting the ads ASAP.