Pioneer PD-S95 cd transport

Hi all, new around here but seeking some advice. I have a fairly modest setup today with a Audiomat Arpege reference amp & dunlavy cantata full range speakers (and dacmagic / bifrost dacs). I have recently moved and sold my cd player (modded rega planet) / tuner (sansui tx-717) prior and am now looking to buy something new. Intriguingly, I found a Pioneer PD-S95 cd transport for sale which was previously the transport of my dreams. I'm curious if the general community would suggest purchasing this or a different transport for <2k.

Back in the mid 90's. that transport sold for around 1,200.00 and it has the stable platter transport which is one of the best out there. Couple that with something like a Wyred4Sound dac2dsd and you will have yourself an excellent player/dac combo. I had a Pioneer pd-95s which I bought in 1994. I used it with an inexpensive Audio Alchemey dac at the time and nothing else even came close to the sound. My advice is to keep the transport and get a dac.

The PDS-95 makes for an OK transport, it's dac section is very ordinary, rolled off in the highs because of the Legato Link system (borrowed I believe from early Wadia days they had another name for it) which they didn't take kindly to.
But don't think for one minute that the transport has a lovely machined metal platter, it's not. If you dismantle it, you'll find it's thin alloy coated plastic and the bearings are so so. Still it sounded ok as a transport.
It also has a very complex laser setup procedure (if you ever need a new one) which needs special cd's and test gear and around 20 steps/adjustments to get right.

Cheers George
I have had one for about 7 years now, and I still love the way it sounds, looks and operates. It is so luxurious. The case is made from individual panels of thick machined aluminum, and there is even a thin layer of rubber gaskets between them for additional damping.
The inside is a work of art, with everything clad in copper. I have never had a moments problem with it, and the clamping system is the best ever. No detail was left to chance with this transport, and if the price is right, I'd say buy it. It's a classic.
What is the askng price? That's a factor for sure, since it's an older piece.