Pioneer PD-S95 cd transport

Hi all, new around here but seeking some advice. I have a fairly modest setup today with a Audiomat Arpege reference amp & dunlavy cantata full range speakers (and dacmagic / bifrost dacs). I have recently moved and sold my cd player (modded rega planet) / tuner (sansui tx-717) prior and am now looking to buy something new. Intriguingly, I found a Pioneer PD-S95 cd transport for sale which was previously the transport of my dreams. I'm curious if the general community would suggest purchasing this or a different transport for <2k.

If you are looking for a transport then find a CEC 51 or 5100 for around $400-$500. So far more musical than the modified Rega Saturn I owned and modified. Just better sounding in direct comparison in every area. Then you have to find a real good dac to show it off.

Happy Listening.
After sleeping on it have come to my senses and will not be proceeding. The unit was not pristine and asking price was 80% over the highest documented in the bluebook. I appreciate everyone's feedback.

In the end I just purchased a 6005 marantz for now.

I think we are talking about 2 different things. There was a PD S P5 with a dac, but mine is simply a transport, and there is indeed a machined platter. I had also heard that the casework of this other model was pressed steel, I believe it was something I read on the vintage knob.
Mrrross, I think you might better off with the 6005. A descent player in its own right and can be use as a transport later if you wish to use a DAC. As a new item you should get several years use from it either way. With players it is usually the transport mechanism or laser which go bad.