This is what the typical consumer group considers the 5 best turntables

top 5 turntables
the commentary is priceless

The way too expensive turntable is the bargin budget around here
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xaudiotomb
It's called the "real world".  That's a place where people spend sensible amounts of money on music equipment.  Perfectionist don't understand.

The Audio-Technica is an updated Technics 1200.

This is truly indicative of the modern consumer.  Most important criteria...

It has to work (at least for awhile).  It must be cheap.  It can't be too heavy so I can throw it away when it breaks. And be able to buy it using a $700 smart phone in one hand and a $5 cup of Starbucks in the other.

And how much did you say you're giving me BestReviews to participate in this survey?

Yes, they don't understand.  Seems the people think I am crazy, driving an Aston Martin.  I tell them I am a James Bond wannabe, they then understanding.

Title should have been, "Best Cheap Entry-Level Turntables" but would still have been somewhat inaccurate.

Unfortunately, turntables at this level are mostly inferior to even a cheap cd player, so any purchaser will get the wrong impression.