Matching Speakers to an Arcam A75 Plus

Category: Amplifiers

I am a neophyte in the world of hi-fi systems, and I am seeking the advice and wisdom of the learned.

I recently bought an Arcam A75 Plus integrated amplifier, on the basis of reviews and my budget, to start my new system. Now I need to match them to a pair of speakers and the right cables. I can't afford to pay more than about $1,600-1,800 dollars for a pair of speakers. (I shudder to think what the cables are going to cost!)

I spend a great deal of time listening to music*, in the following order of preference: Classical music (the full gamut, from chamber music to opera, and baroque to modern), jazz and pop. [*I should say, "I used to spend..."; now that I have two young children, it's gotten harder....] I also attend concerts (I used to be one of the directors of a chamber music ensemble), so I'm aware of what the real thing sounds like.

I did listen to a pair of B&W CDM 9NTs in a store not long ago and liked the accuracy of the sound. But I have not been able to find any place in the Washington, DC, area that sells the Arcam as well, so that I can listen to them together. From everything I've read, however, the 9NTs sound as if they would work well. They are at the high end of my budget, but I think I can get demos at that price.

But this is all theoretical and, as I say, my experience is very limited.

Does anyone have similar listening tastes to mine and own an Arcam A75/A85 Plus and found speakers they are happy with? I am looking for any suggestions, and would be very greatful for anyone's thoughts on the matter.

FYI. The room I have my system set up in has 12-foot ceilings, and is approximately 30 feet long by 10 feet wide, opening up to 20 feet wide. The room has trees, wall hangings and furniture to break up the room, though the room is by no means cluttered.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this request.
Ag insider logo xs@2xlistener1
I just put together a system with DALI floorstanders and an A75 plus... a really nice match ..very deep and wide presentation. I'd caution against a "bright" front end, but if you have a clean, neutral source component(s) (which I'm sure you do), the DALI speaker line mates very well with the Arcam.
I finally bought a pair of speakers: Triangle Celius. I've listened to them a couple of times and find that they are good in the middle and lower registers, but violins sound very squeaky and harsh. Very disappointing.

I attribute the problem to lousy ICs, power cords, speaker wires and CD player, all of which I am slowly working on fixing.

I just bought a Marantz SA-8260 CD Player, Harmonic Technology Pro AC-11 power cord, and PS Audio Ultimate Outlet High Current. All purchased used through Audiogon, of course.

I haven't installed any of these yet, so I don't know how they will affect the sound. I'm very curious to see how they work together.

Still looking for good interconnects and speaker cables I can afford.
Hi, whenever I hear arcams, I have the feel that they have too extended treble, which in wrong pairing could be very annoying. The BW would be even worse in this sense. But unfortunately, triangle also tend to 'contructed' to have extended treble and fast voice at the expense of bass. So, I would select interconnects and speaker cables which have warm and darkening effect. Cardas and harmonic technology would be good match. If you already have HT pcs, I would go for all HT cabling.
I have Arcam 65+ - little brother of 75+ - I initially had B&W 603 - sold them and replaced them with Vonschweikert VR1 standmounters with VR-sub. VR1 has the detail but not the brightness (to my ears) of B&W. They compete with speakers $2000 to $3000 range including B&W 805 - which look great and sound goo with Arcam warmish. You can get them used or new well within your budget. The components drivers, crossover, technology etc. used on the VR1 are the same as in their higher range and they partner and benefit from going up the chain in electronics and they reward you with upgrades elsewhere in the system.

Here are some reviews:
