Review: 47 Labs Gaincard Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

I have been a nightclub manager for awhile, and have managed 5 clubs in my home town, NYC. I have recently spent 12 years woking in a club where live music was performed nightly. My idea of a great night out is dinner and a concert at Lincoln Center or Carnegie Hall, or, if I can find it, some live jazz in some out of the way joint with no pretense of grandeur.
My experience also includes time spent selling audio for Leonard Radio in the 70's and work assembling speakers for a friend starting his own company, which only matters because we were constantly being sent equipment to use in demos, and I also helped many audiophiles assemble and install high end systems.
Nonetheless, this is only one man's opinion.
I mostly listen to classical and jazz vocals, and do most of my listening at night. Diana Krall, Andrea Bocelli. Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra are among my faves. I also grew up on rock, from the 60's to now, from the Beatles to Limp Bizkit.
I value imaging and tonality equally, and try to balance both.
The thing I hate the most is a system intended above all to impress the neighbors with prodigious bass that has nothing to do with the music.
I have owned the 25 watt and 50 watt Gaincards for about two months (25) and four months (50).
I had the higher power one first and bought the 25 watt later to see which one I would prefer.
I purchased these through Audiogon, along with my Ocellia Tilia loudspeakers.
Before this I was listening to a pair of Enigna Oremus loudspeakers powered by a Sonneteer Bronte Integrated amp.
My cables are Van Den Hul The First Ultimate interconnects and Teatrac Biwire speaker cables.
When I first bought the Tilias I used my Bronte and was planning to get a Diavolo amp I saw on Audiogon, but the sale fell through, and I saw a 50 watt Gaincard and got that instead. It sounded great.
However, I also saw a 25 watt Gaincard later on and figured I could get it, compare them, and keep the one I liked. I knew the reviews that I had read were for the 25, and was curious to hear the difference.
My opinion is in accord with that of the Sakura Systems website - the 25 watt unit is more natural sounding than the 50.
The benefit of having the more powerful amp is the imaging specificity and presence of individual images within the soundfield, something those who own less efficient speakers may appreciate, but I do not require with my Tilias.
I am currently enjoying one of the best sound systems it has been my pleasure to listen to, much less own.
The 47 Labs equipment is, in my opinion, a major step into a new future for audio.
Thank you for your kind attention.

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I got the M2 for $1250, and if the price is familiar, the I am guilty as charged.
It was wonderful driving my Gaincards, which I had both, 50 and 25 watt, making them both more "musical", obviating the need to use the potentiometers in the 'cards, and making the system more dynamic.
You need to know, however, that the M2 can be very microphonic and needs a lot of vibration control, the only caveat I would give a prospective buyer of an M2.
After having my 25 watt Gaincard modded by the manufacturer, I have had no problems with reliability (see previous review) and I have trouble imagining anything better, regardless of cost. I have heard systems that cost much more that the $20K or so my system is valued at, and I am more that satisfied that mine is comparable, if not better in many respects. I am not trying to impress the neighbors, just looking to enjoy my music.
With anything from small ensemble music to Metallica with full orchestra, I am happy.
Highly recommended for anyone looking to get off the upgrade bandwagon.
I am with you in your quest to enjoy the music rather than impressing the neighbors.

I assume the mods you speak of are the manufacturer's stated “new circuit topology”. Can you share the perceived differences between the original and the modded unit? I have not experienced any problems with my GC, but I have been curious about the upgrade and the potential benefits.
The upgrade brings the amp into the modern day expected norms of wide bandwidth (some claimed the GC was reticent in the low end and very high freqs), and adds some to the dynamics. To me, it was more than worth the small investment. If I hadn't already ordered a 300B custom made by Alex Dondysh, I would keep it, and want for nothing.
My 300B is only better in the sense that it provides more 3D imaging of individual instruments/voices, but it cost me almost $4k and it wil be my last amp for a long time. It is the amp I have always wanted, period, even with just a few hours of listening. I can't wait for it to fully break in.
Thanks for sharing your assessment of the GC upgrade. I hadn't heard or read about claims made regarding frequency limitations. Statements like that can be questionable, but they interestingly match your findings. As you point out, the small investment can certainly be worth it if extension and dynamics are improved. Sounds like the way to go. Getting better from your 300B is an even more interesting thought. Thanks again.