Review: Parasound Halo JC-1 Mono-Blocks Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

My system isn't exactly state-of-the-art, but it suits my tastes to a tee! I listen mainly to pop, r&b, country, alternative, and some jazz and rock.I listen to the best recordings I have to evaluate components.I want sound that is accurate, smooth, dynamic, open, fast, clean, and like an open, extended top-end, and bass that is tight, fast, and extended. I want good imaging and soundstaging with a slightly forward perspective.I don't really care a whole lot for excessive warmth or a laid-back sound. I don't like slow, boomy, or under-damped bass at all. I hate too forward, aggressive, thin, and bright sound also.
The JC-1's deliver everything I like in spades!! And does not do any of the things that I don't like.They are the most awesome amplifiers that I have ever heard or owned, bar none! It is though they are voiced to suit my particular tastes!
I normally do not write reviews, but my enthusiasm for these amps is so great, that I cannot contain my enthusiasm for them! CTC and Parasound must be praised and recognized for bringing such a product of excellence to the audio marketplace! Thanks guys!
I did own the Parasound HCA-3500 and Adcom GFA-5802 amplifiers, and I extensively listened to a friends Pass X-350 amp.The Parasound JC-1's are in a different league than the 3500 or 5802! The Pass is an exceptional amplifer, but I prefer the JC-1's.It is slightly warmer and has better bass extension and control than the Pass.Imaging, focus, and transparency is very similar.The JC-1's also sound more effortless and at ease than the Pass.It just sounds more neutral and natural to my ears! The Pass may have a tad more top-end extension, but this is irrelevant to me.Keep in mind also that my JC-1's have only about 100 hours on them, so they are no where near broken-in. This will require about 1,300 more hours.
The Parasound HCA-3500, Adcom GFA-5802, and McCormack DNA-225, are great amplifiers, but the JC-1's are in a different league! The HCA-3500 is more opaque sounding, and is harsher and grainier in the mids and highs compared to the JC-1's.The HCA-3500 does not have the bass extension, control, and tightness that the JC-1's have.The JC-1's sound smoother, cleaner, more natural, and faster than the 3500, Adcom 5802 or the DNA-225.
The Adcom is warmer and more laid-back, with a slight roll-off of the top-end, but a little more forward in the "presence" region, compared to the JC-1's.The Adcoms bass is slower, less extended, less powerful, and less controlled also. The Adcom is less transparent, open, airy, and detailed than the JC-1.
The DNA-225 is a great amp that is fast,detailed, dynamic, images great, and has great bass, but compared to the JC-1, it isn't as transparent, neutral, fast, or as open.
The JC-1's have a slightly warmer sound, faster, slightly more detailed, and have better image width and depth than the DNA-225. The JC-1's bass is also better contolled, and extended. The top-end is comparable, except that the DNA-225 is a tad grainier and a alittle courser. The DNA 225 also sounds alittle leaner and more "thread-bare" in the mids than the JC-1's.
I can really find no weaknesses with the JC-1's, except maybe the heat they can produce when used in the HIGH-BIAS mode, and they take up more room than a single chassis amp.
Sonically though, they are exceptional! Some people might find them alittle forward, maybe a little warm, or polite, but not me! Some tube lovers also might not be 100% happy with these amps, but, I am enthusiastically 100% pleased and satisfied with these amps. They suit me and my system to a tee!
Michael Fremer and Sam Tellig hit the nail-on-the-head with these amps! Everything they wrote about them is 100% accurate!
Even if I were wealthy, I think I would still choose these amplifiers! THEY ARE THAT GOOD, and I give them my HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION! Check 'em out!

Associated gear
Sony CD/SACD Player.
Modded Pioneer DV-47Ai Universal DVD Player.
Adcom GFP-750 preamp.
LAT Internationals best interconnects and speaker cables-Externally Bi-wired.
Paradigm Reference Studio/100 version 2 loudspeakers.

Similar products
Parasound HCA-3500, Adcom GFA-5802, McCormack DNA-225, Carver A-760x, Pass Labs X-350.
I'm eagerly awaiting tomorrow's arrival of my pair of JC-1's. Any comments on the power demands of these brutes? My apartment's panel has 20amp breakers and I use a Monster AVS2000 & HTPS7000 (no guffawing, please - they happen to work quite well in my application). I'm concerned as to whether or not I need to dedicate a line/breaker for these amps. What about quality control? I've read some threads in other fora where these amps have been compared to very stylish albeit equally lethal Claymore mines. Having lived with a quad of Halos (2xA23's, T3, P3) I'm very satisfied with everything about these products. Thanks.
Thats all I can say!
After 2 agonizing months of 24/7 music signal through my JC-1's, they are now fully broken-in!
The changes to the sound since I originally bought them is truly dramatic.
The top-end has openned up, and seems to have no limitations or boundaries, the mids are much more open and detailed, the image depth and width is amazing, and the bass is simply awesome!
For the first 30 days or so, the sound was slightly rolled off on top, alittle muddy in the mids and highs, and the sound lacked any kind of depth. The bass became alittle mushy. They sounded overly smooth, polite, and laid-back and lacked drama.
After 45 days they became thin, lean, bright, too forward.
At approximately 60 days of 24/7 playing a low level musical signal [AM/FM tuner], they transformed!
They are now the most detailed, transparent, and neutral amps I have ever heard. The sheer speed of these amps is amazing! The bass is simply the most extended, powerful, and tight bass I have ever heard. The image depth and width is world class.
I have no regrets at all buying these amps. They are the best audio purchase I have ever made.
I must admit from about day 10 to day 59 of playing time I had regrets about buying them. They were sort of disappointing and seemed lacking in several key areas, especially in top-end extension and dynamics, mids were too laid-back and lacked transparency, and the image had practically no depth or width.
All that has now changed for the better, or may I say BEST!
If you buy these amps, it is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you give them their full 60 day break-in with a music signal, or you will never hear them in their full glory, and believe me, it is glorious!
Simply leaving them powered on for 60 straight days will NOT break them in. They must have a music signal going through them during that period.
If I had to sell every one of my stereo components, the JC-1's would be the LAST that I would sell.
I love these amps!
Another thing:
These amps need to be powered on for at least 6 to 8 hours to sound their best.
They do not sound impressive from a cold start!
Great review, I must agree with you on all aspects of the character they possess through break in. I've owned mine for about a year and have mated them with a VTL 7.5 preamp. My only critisism would be the audible hiss from 10' through JM Lab Utopia be Diva speakers. Are you experiencing the same level of hiss?