Review: Omtec CA-25 V3 Amplifier

Category: Amplifiers

Well, how to begin?
I am not mad about reviews. It is always the same. A little bit more of that here and less of that there.
And at the end a Hype and recommendation because the owner bought it.
Well, I own it, too.
And a few other things. And I own them, because I hate to sell something good. I know, some think different but when I have a bad day, I see it black or white. Good or bad. There are only two kinds of Taste:
The good one or none.

Well, some time ago I had a conversation with Mehran from Sorasound and we talked about this and that and about amplifiers. Good sounding amplifiers. And we talked about a Germany Company, it’s name is Omtec. The Genius behind is M. Baier, listening to Music his whole Life and making Electronics since 1979. And not mad about test reviews. But interested in serious Listeners. And those find the way to him. It will need some time, but when you want the real “Made in Germany” with the “Real Thing” Sound, here it is*.

I have the CA-25 V3
25W for 8 0hm , 50 for 4ohms, Version3, Gain 22dB, Input Impedance>100kohms, speed rate 0,46 µs, Input RCA and XLR,
2 switches in front (one for on/off – the other one for Class A or AB), I use Class A of course

Well, I choose them, because I use 99dB speakers and I believe that the First Watt is the most important one. Like I wrote, this should be no review in the common sense, more a written opinion.
Here we go:

Stairway to Heaven
( you know that song from Led Zeppelin? The one which starts slow and moves on and on and in the end thousands of people have a burning candle in their hand a sing that melody, too?)

The Omtec-25 V3 is a 25W mono amp, this kind of amplifier, when they are paired with the right electronics, will destroy the monthly Believing in the praised – and promised - Revolution of reproduced Sound from other Manufacturers.

From this kind of sight: It’s not for everybody.

The most important question from an Audiophile for this Amp:” And??? How does it sound??”
will end in a big disappointment.

They “sound” like “nothing”.

Well, not really.
That kind of “nothing” is remarkable.
They show what’s connected and what kind of music you are listening to.
Good Electronics = Good Sound, Bad Electronics = Bad Sound
That’s very simple.
With that – tough, but honest - result I can close the chapter about Omtec.

But, when everything is fine, you will hear “Things” in a Cleanness and Purity, which will make you very meditative. Because you have to say to yourself, that everything ‘before’ is not that what you really wanted, or when it is ok, you will refuse to go to Bed.

What’s so special?
It is not the usual “fatter, thicker, deeper, wider, faster ….”
It is the Articulation.
This linked with the exceptional speed from these amps, will result in a kind of real Dynamic which is really rare. Nothing smears. Nothing overpowered. Just right.
The time differences from different sources to the microphone will give you a kind of view “into” the Presentation.
Each Instrument has it’s own Frequency and a “Swing-out” property, same with human bodys, you can see them and you can exactly say, what he/she's doing. No problem to follow Harry Belafonte, in which direction he turns his head while singing, when he breathes etc. He “is” in front of you ( or left at speaker, or behind it, or when starts to walk to the other side …). It is the ‘Realness’ which is so impressing. (I use it with my Aesthetix Callisto Signature preamp, full of NOS Tubes)

The real thrill is to listen to old recordings, Living Stereo’s etc. Pressings from the 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s.

Well, what can I write as a final sentence?
No idea.
The usual ….???

I think a song from Freddy Mercury (Queen) fits best:


* When you want them, you have to wait. Thinking needs time.
It is the Way it is.

Associated gear
Aesthetix Callisto Signature
Kochel K300 Horn Speakers
XLO Ltd. Edition Speaker Cable
Basis Turntable

Interesting write up on Omtec.Have you tried any other preamplifier other than Aesthetix Callisto.

I checked the web site of Omtec and could not find an English version. Any idea how much these mono's cost.

Joseph Mattam