Stealth Varidig Sextet Break In Period?

Category: Cables

How long does it normally take a Stealth Varidig Sextet to break in if I'm running the CD on repeat mode 24 hours a day?
Teajay, thanks! I will. I'm trying it out against my Virtual Dynamics Revelation Signature.

GetTheLeadOut, I did. I emailed them and posted the question at the same time to get everyone's thoughts on theirs.
Krell man, I just received a AES and RCA digital Sextet, the AES (XLR) from my Audio Research 3 MK2 and RCA (coaxal) from my McIntosh 300 Music Server both going into a Dac. Once they are broken-in I am actually doing a simalar demo as you but with VD's latest Revelation digital cable. I look forward to reading your results. I only have aprox. 20 hours on my Sextet (ARC) and 15 hours on (MAC) so a ways to go.
Agree with TJ. Mine sounded great immediately with minor improvements wrought over time. It is the most neutral and "not there" digital IC in my experience.
Please post your impressions of the Stealth sextet compared to the VD Rev.Sig. digital cable. It will be very interesting to see how these two stack up against each other.
The VD Rev.Sig. vs new VD Rev2 would be another interesting match up.
As far as the new Genesis digital cable, at its price you'd be better off buying a new CDP or DAC 8<).