Review: Lessloss Lessloss Filtering Power Cord Power cord

Category: Cables

LessLoss Filtering Power Cable

It is rare after 15 years of trying power cords, interconnect and speaker wires that I lucked out to find a product that stopped me in my tracks and made me sit down and take notice right out of the box.

Back in 1982 I started to realize the value of good interconnect and speaker wire was way before MIT and Monster cable started to take off. The man back then was Randal McCarter who did the mod on Dahlquist DQ-10, which by the way was one of the few that really improved this speaker to the point that it could stand on its own today against some of the best out there within in the $8,000 plus price range.

Randy started to develop interconnects and speakers wires and due to his electronic engineering back ground he really put some thought into it, the wires were stiff as all get out, but the sound was an eye-opener. Once MIT and Monster hit the market with their advertisement dollars Randy could not longer compete and after a few years he through in the towel. His products by the way sounded better, was designed and truly researched and had a much higher built quality and materials.

As the cable and accessory market grew I went along for the ride, cable after cable, brand after brand, expensive and not so expensive. You name a major brand name cable and I tried it and even some home brewed cables from the mom and pop companies, you know the one’s who work out their garage as a side job and charge almost as much or more then the major manufacture, so sound quite good.

After 10 years I started to come to the conclusion that wires were a crap shoot at best, even reviews from reviewers are way down because you really don’t know how they are going to interact with one’s system. Then of course you get educated and you learn good is good, after that your chasing your tail, let’s be honest there is only so much a good cable can do, and what you want it to do is bring out the best in your system and not hinder the performance.

I had finally settled down and excepted the cables that I owned as being as good as it gets regardless if I switched them out, I could change the sound a bit, but I would not hear a significant improvement. By the way all of the last few I owned sounded real good.

Some of the Brands: MIT Oracle, Tara Lab the One, Harmonic Technology Magic and on, and most currently Shunyata Python & Andaconda power cords which I liked quite a bit though they were expensive but they brought out the best in my gear to that point.

Then one day I was looking over the Audiogon site and I saw the ad for Lessloss power cords and I was ready to keep going but I saw the info tab and click it and up came an 8 page PDF file on the design of this cable, well ereading cost me nothing so I printed out the information.

Not since Randy McCarter did anyone really explain the design of the cable and what improvement the cable would bring. I also read where Marty Dewulf enjoyed the cables and I have spoken to Marty several times during my years with Sony Electronics, and I have know him to be a honest and upfront guy and reviewer.

So my wheels in my head started to turn, and to be honest I was so happy with my system, but I figured I give them a try at $550.00 and order three of them for my system, after all I could sell the Shunyata’s and cover the expense of purchasing if I liked them, so I did.

I ordered the power cords and I received an email thanking me and telling me around 3 weeks. I said fine and waited. After 2-1/2 weeks the power cords arrived. I pulled them out and I was impressed with the built quality, I thought just maybe they will sound ok, if I don’t like them on my system and I use them on my plasma, DVD player etc.

So I plugged them up to my Marantz SA-7S1 CD/SACD player, McIntosh C200 preamp and the McIntosh MC402 amp and let them stay powered up for an hour and I then hit the play button and listened to “For Duke” (M&K Realtime recording) and started to walk away when the horn section went off and the solo started, I heard detail, speed and micro to micro swings in dynamics and overtones that I had not heard as easily before.

I went back to my listen chair and went to 6 & 7 and listen to the piano, drum and standup bass, the detail was as good as I have heard, but the over tones of the instruments came forth with ease and a flow that I had not heard before, did it make the Shunyata’s sound like crap? No, but the Lessloss were quieter, better extended in both directions and the dynamics swings were better, in fact my volume control was lower then it normally was when listening to the same disc and I switched the power cords a few times just to see if what I was hearing was right and the Lessloss was providing more current, reproducing less noise thus my system sounded louder with a ease to the reproduction.

Now mind you these were fresh out of packing, no time on them yet and they were better then the Shunyata’s at ½ to a ¼ of the price!!. In fact what these power cords were doing I had not heard before from any power cord to date, DCCA (home brew cord) or MIT Oracle, Shunyata’s etc.

I’ve had a month on them now and they have improved by opening up a bit, but that is it, my system images better, it’s focus is better due to the lowering of the noise floor, you can hear music that is just there in front of you out of a silent background.

Coral Music, stunned me, the power and swing of the voices, the number of voices that were now produced clearly with no blur to them, I no longer had to “listen hard” to hear the individual voices.

Male vocals superb, female voices superb, Piano reproduction when recorded well was like hearing the real thing.

Recording from the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and current era take on their recording quality in stark relief.

There is no highlighting with this power cord, no bloating, no bass over hang or lack of mid-bass, highs extend forever, yet never hyped, smeared or in your face, they are just there and extend forever. Now mind you these cost $550.00 apiece not $2,000 or more. Less noise more music, less jitter from power supply noise, more natural reproduction from CD players, in fact some older cd’s now sound quite good, god knows how many good cd’s I may have traded away.

And even more important then money, they work exceeding well on preamps, amps, CD players and even my on my plasma TV.

They really lower the noise floor to the point of really considering the need for a line conditioner on any of my gear just like Lessloss white papers said, plug them directly into your wall” and you will hear what I am talking about, no more trade off’s that you have to make when using a line conditioner, your system comes into it’s own with these power cords.

Once in and while even someone jaded like myself gets a pleasant surprise, and the excitement comes back to what got me into this hobby in the first place, and that is the love of music, and the attempt to get my system to fool me once in and while and I think that sounds like the real thing.

The Lessloss power cords have taken my system to that level to the point that when I am listen to my system I feel relaxed knowing the system sounds “right” no thought of this could be better or that could be better, based on my experience with many, many power cords, I could pick that up in a second, keep in mind I had my Shunyata’s sitting right next to me to go back to, which I did just to give them another go. Same result, Lessloss was better top to bottom, imaging, and less noise totally from my whole system without the loss of dynamics or the slight veiling.

This IS the power cord to own, but order enough for your whole setup, once you insert even one of your power cords back into the mix you will hear your system take a step backwards (only when compared to what you just heard) and again I not saying it will sound bad, it just these power cords are just that good.

My Marantz SA-7S1 was an eye opener and for the past 8 months I have never thought about another CD player, that was a first for me in the digital world, when I got the McIntosh’s I felt the same, they cost much less then the gear I had owned in the past, yet sounded better and I never thought I own McIntosh that was “old school” Levinson, Krell, Rowland, ARC, C.J. etc was where it was at, the McIntosh gear taught me a thing or two.

The Lessloss power cord now enters into that club, it’s the best, cost far less and takes your gear to the level that you will say, I can now appreciate what I paid all this money for, your system will be as good as it can get, that what we strive for and these power cords will bring out the best your gear can be.

On a rating of 1-10 these would be a 20 (consider the cost also), you’re done chasing your tail, you start enjoying your system and the music it reproduces. That is the best compliment I can give these power cords. I no longer even think about another power cord or change of gear, I want more music and I will be out shopping quite shortly, nice to spend money on the music and not on equipment/cable changes over and over again.

You will be doing yourself a disservice by not trying these power cords, Martin Dewulf was right; these are “the new king of the hill”.


Mr. B

Associated gear
Marantz SA-7S1 CD/SACD player, McIntosh C200 preamp and MC402 Amp. Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers.

Similar products
Some of the Brands: MIT Oracle, Tara Lab the One, Harmonic Technology Magic and on, and most currently Shunyata Python & Andaconda power cords
Thanks for the review of these cords. That's 4 positive reviews here on the 'gon. I think I'm going to give them a shot!
Impressive review, thanks Mr. B, I'll have to look into these cords. One question, now when you describe them sounding louder, that you were able to turn your volume level down, do you mean more forward sounding? How is soundstage depth?

By sounding louder, I believe Mr. B want to say the system is more dynamic.

I can back up Mr. B comments about the LessLoss, I have 7 LessLoss AC cord in my system. Even better, got them when LessLoss offered a promotion at 250$ last summer.

I was going to get some Nordost Valhalla to replaced my Nordost Vishnu and Kimber Palladian (amp). But I took a chance. The thing that won me over is the Oyaide parts used with the cable. Just the plugs are worth 150$.

The best moved I ever made (and the huge saving I did by not getting the Valhalla).
I recently heard these cables in my system when Liudas from Less Loss stopped by and visited me Monday on his US tour(I think he heads home on the 19th). Prior to the visit I just purchased on Audiogon a used Less Loss 2004 DAC Mk II/CEC TL-51X (slaved to DAC) combo and have been very impressed. I currently use a Stealth Dream Digital PC on the DAC and a Stealth M5000 on the transport. We swapped in two Less LossPCs for the Stealth and I was immediately struck by the lower noise floor. In a short audition I could not say whether overall the Less Loss PCs were better than the Stealth, but I liked what I heard and given the price difference I'll probably be selling the Stealth and getting a couple Less Loss PCs.

Now if you really want to hear something amazing, listen to what the new Less Loss PLC will do to the noise floor of your system. Liudas brought a prototype with him and when we hooked that up to my system the sonic improvement was quite evident.