Review: Transparent Audio Cable Ref + mm2 ICs + SC Interconnect

Category: Cables


I have just completed a full system upgrade to TA ref +mm2 cables (new 2008 tech): SC + ICs

Wow. The overall leap from ultra and ref cables with the original mm tech to the mm2 tech is substantial. With all mm2 tech in my system, the overall change of presentation is very substantial. Musical interpretation or nuance that was previously missing is now there at which to marvel (when the performance and recording is at a high level) .

Depth, clarity, and speed in the bass seems always noted as the strongest characteristics of the upper levels of TA cables. However, the micro dynamics, nuance, timbre clarity, clear overtones, and palpable presence in the mids and highs are truly engaging , allowing musical expression to flow with an ease not heard in the ref level model with the orig tech.Top to bottom coherence is much more fully realized and balanced.

The ref+mm2 cannot be discussed in terms of a basic “upgrade” to the orig tech model. The improvements are too significant. The ref+mm2 cables comfortably present within the sound-world of the refXL & refMM models. The Ref + orig mm tech never presented in this top tier league. (the networks of the orig tech Ref model were not “component specific”, they are now.) IMO , the ref+mm2 equals or excels beyond the very expensive TA Ref XL (orig tech) in many areas. The Ref+mm2, will not (I assume) match the RefMM (orig tech), but for those of us who cannot afford that price of admission, the Ref+mm2 brings overall presentation of musicality to a very high level of excellence in the right system. (everyone’s system and needs differ).

Of the unexpected outcomes of the move to all ref+mm2 cables, I now find that I am listening to all recordings at slightly louder volume levels on my preamp ! I conclude that the reduction of grain and slightly smeared transients, veiled and masked overtones (it’s all relative, of course), allows for a less obstructed access to nuance, tangibility & the glorious physicality of the performance. Ie an increase in the volume of high quality sound of the music, not the sound of presentation debris. Of course, the much quieter/blacker backgrounds resulting from the mm2 tech is part of this result.

Now I wonder how much my cdp is holding back the recorded performance ? It is probably the weakest link, along with the rack and power supply…

Wishing everyone wonderful musical experiences. Cheers.

fyi - i have already posted an overly wordy review of the TA ultra +mm2 IC on this site. i chose to move all my system cables to the TA Ref +mm2 level after that audition process.

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TA cables, orig mm tech : ultra, ref, refXL models
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Hi Soundisntmusic,

Thank you for your many thoughts and suggestions as they have given me much to consider this weekend with the same MM2 cables I have had in my system. I will also have an Ultra MM2 to insert at alternate locations: cdp to pre, pre to amps to see how Ultra MM2 compares with Reference MM2. My current speaker is a single wire standard version of Reference w/MM1 using TA Ref jumpers from the mid/treble posts to the bass terminals. The previous cable was an Ultra Bi-wire sc and you have made me rethink of the possibility of getting TA to upgrade my Ref to RefMM2 in a bi-wire if their new MM2 tech can be applied to a full bi-wire version. Having all three sets of cable in the MM2 tech will give me a better idea of how my system will react to MM2 without the Ref MM1 in the chain.

The power cables in my system are all standard though they all go through a TA PIR unit which I have found to remove a layer of haze yielding greater low level detail. Once I make my mind up on the new MM2 cables, this weekend I hope, the power cables might produce the the finishing touch to my system.

A change in preamps might be down the road but if I can succeed without that investment, upgrading all my cables to Ref MM2 plus adding one more will be far cheaper.

Again, thank you for your thoughts and insight. You have been very helpful.
hi benpup,
re: your B&W800D SC. i have no clue which would be better : ultra biwired vs TA ref single wired (both mm1 tech) but in many aspecs i think the ultra+mm2 biwire would be better than the ref+mm1 single wired. keep in mind: B&W designed this line of speakers to present best bi-wired (i have N803s for my tv, the do sound better biwired than single +jumps, but this was only noticeable when the speakers were placed in my main system listed on audiogon, not on my ad hoc arcam/anthem tv system).email B&W england directly for their opinion. they are always very helpful.

as to IC placement, i believe that if you have to make a choice, put the highest quality IC on your source. (equal quality if poss on your speakers). the lesser IC for on the preamp/amp. this seems to be the conventional wisdom, but there are many variables that come into play.

Power cord placement: you can search this site for a huge variety of opinions. i am a neophyte here. i have been auditioning PCs for under 1 year. in my system, power cord placement made the largest positive impact when on my cdp, not the power condition. 2nd is the preamp (again, not the power conditioner). i have found PCs to be very component specific in how they impact the overall presentation. many on this site beleive that the PC has a more significant role than ICs. I have not enough experience to make a fully informed comment about this, but i do realize that PCs do play a very significant role. they should be considered an intregral part of the system, just as an IC, though this places another set of variables into the mix to consider. I have found the entire education facinating and frustrating and very trying on my patience. live concerts in a good hall are so much more rewarding! why oh why did i move from manhattan?! cheers.
All cables no matter the cost are system depended and really the room and finally what one likes ones system to sound like that bring that listener enjoyment.

One of the best designs out there and you never see them for resale a lot is Lossloss. They interconnects and speaker wire is unmatched, speed, weight, transparent, detail and natural. I like the TA also but Lossloss like always is rethinking wires.