Size matters- recommend small system or component

Looking for advice on a small system or components. Maybe the speakers will stay 'large' or sats w/sub, but looking for either small-sized components or quality mini-systems, without giving up too much. Recommendation on a small integrated amp, receiver, tuner or cd player. Trying to limit the number and size of boxes. Tried a Denon minisystem - not bad. Had that early 90's Proton all-in -one unit. Good for the era. Any success stories?? Many of us have offices, WAF's, or in my case, downsizing issues.Will look new and used, so wide price range, say $500- $2k. THANKS
How about the new NAD D3020 ($500 list), and some Paradigm MilleniaOnes or Gallo speakers, with or without a sub? Since the NAD has a D/A, your can use your laptop to play, or buy a good inexpensive CD player.