Review: Audio Mirror D-1 DA converter

Category: Digital

What a surprise is this new DAC by Audio Mirror!!! Audio Mirror makes vacuum tube pre and power amps, and recently came out with a solid state DAC. This is a non over-sampling DAC. I bought this on a hunch, because there are few web comments out about this new to the scene DAC. I was hoping for a DAC that would unify the virtues of an Ack! and a Nixon DAC. Over the past couple years, I've favored non over-sampling DACs, having had lengthy experience with a conrad-johnson Premier 9, Scott Nixon tube DAC+, and a couple Ack! dAck!. My experience finds that the non over-sampling DACs have a more coherent, cohesive sound, without any hyped harmonic detail. Other digital sources that I've spent lengthy time with have been an Ah Tjoeb99, Sony SACD-777es & Cary 308.

This DAC is one of those ear openers: I can't believe digital can sound this good.

First off, fresh out of the box, I heard unusually good bloom in the gradiations of musical emotion: relaxing music sooths, but surprises startle. Spacially, the stage is deep and tall with the very best instrumental placement I've heard. The electronic atmosphere seems quieter than the battery run Ack!; perhaps an electronic haze has cleared. The tonal color of wind intruments it clear and round and liquid, just right in weight, never thin or bloated. I can distinguish orchestra violin and viola, better than ever. Brass shines and shimmers with breath fluctuations (back to visual reality: the unit shines with a gold plateing). Voice is wet and fleshy. But it is the emotion of music, that this DAC allows, which most engages me.

Even after two days of use, I'm convinced. How wonderful will this DAC be when it mellows with age. Perhaps I'll buy a second for my living room system.

Associated gear
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Nice review Skyboy...the Audio Mirror sounds like a very good Dac and even better that Royy backs this up. I've been looking for something that had some of the traits of the SN-Dac and Ack Dac in one package...this is an interestig new Dac.

A friend brought over his CAL Alpha 18-bit tube (Telefunken tubes) DAC last night. I used my Sony CDP-77ES player as the transport. I was, in general, very impressed. There was a great smoothness, prehaps too smooth. The bass was strong but perhaps not as deep or awe inspiring. I'm still trying to sort this out. We were on a second bottle of great California wine at that point. My speakers are 16 ohm older P6M Lowthers, power amps are Atma-Sphere MA-1's (with reduced tube count so as not to kill the Lowthers), and the preamp a moderatley upgraded Audio Research SP-3A-1. While I like the Sony 77ES on its own merits, there is some rawness in the treble area that sometimes is appropriate and other times not. I was stunned by what a difference The CAL Alpha made in making an audio experience different. I'm wondering if my next move should be the Audio Mirror DAC and just forget trying to find a used CAL Alpha for $100 less.
I have just purchased an Audio Mirror D1 and I am in the process of burning it in. Thanks Skyboy and Royy (wink). I'll update in around 100 hours...
The Audio Mirror DAC is hands-down the finest sounding DAC that I have heard "Bench Mark, Birdland, dACK!" to name a few, dont even come close in my opinion. The strength of the Audio Mirror is in it's ability to resolve and separate all instruments at all frequencies in a most natural and realistic way, not mention the truly analogue sound with not a hint of harshness anywhere at anytime.
To all Audio Mirror D1's owners, I am sold on the virtues of this NOS DAC but can't seem to get a response out of Vlad to my request to purchase one. All I get back is an autoresponse that my email was received....but that's did you all contact Vlad? Is there a phone # or other contact method? Obviously, finding a used D1 for sale in Audiogon is a rarity, so, I seem to be at a dead end here while some users are talking about picking up their second D1's. he out of stock which is why he's not responding? Also, what's the definitive word on the price? Is it still $499 and the website has a typo? Tks. for any info!