Review: Audio Research LS-7 Tube preamp

Category: Preamps

I am new to tubes, and replacing my LS3 was a hard decision to come to. I had a chance to listen to a LS7 at a friends house and was impressed. His equipment is completely different, but I was hooked.
I happen to like the utilitarian look of the LS3 and LS7 (mine is black), the knobs have a solid feel, and the build is first class. My only complaint on the build is that it has a permanant power cord. This preamp does have a phono section, but this is not a problem since I have moved to digital.
The standard Sovtek 6922 tubes are fine. They give good soundstage and reasonable depth. Bass is a little lean compared to the LS3 but I expected that.
I changed the tubes to Amperex Bugle Boys and it changed the whole package! Stage depth was the largest improvement. The bass is slightly better, but the focus is outstanding.
I can recommend this preamp to anyone that is looking for a good tube preamp at a reasonable price.

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There is bloom, detail, naturalness, big soundstage and image, tridimensional presence.
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I also had a LS7 completely upgraded new diode's in the main power better tubes better cap's (auricap) and sold it .... now i have a LS25MKII but i dont know what to say .. my ears do like the LS7 more ...... am i crazy ???