Washington DC

I'd love to get together with those of you who live in the Washington Metro area. I'm in Bethesda, MD, myself, and I could take the Metro to hang out with all of you because I sold my car to afford more audio gear. Hope to hear from anyone in my neck of the woods.

Good idea. I'm in Potomac. Think you'd enjoy hearing my Gallo Ultimates in a tube-based system wired with Omega Mikro and Mapleshade. Cheers, Dave
I'm definitely interested in hearing other systems. Maybe even have a mini equipment shootout (cd players, dacs, cables, power conditioners, etc).

Here is my system:
--Logan Aerius i hybrid electrostats
--VTL IT 85 integrated tube amp (80wpc)
--BAT VK D5SE tubed CD player
--BearLabs silver thunder and lightning ICs and speaker cables (on their way... as soon as I get them, i'll be ready for a visit i think!)

I live just off dupont circle, at 17th and mass.
I'm in Rockville, and would be interested in getting together with any number of audio nuts.
I live in Alexandria, and know a number of other crazies in the area. This sounds like a fun endeavor.

My system, well most of it, is listed in my system profile.
I am in Herndon VA and have a couple friends into audio as well.

