Folk/Rock choices that are well recorded

Just wanting to hear from you smarties on your recommended best sounding, most fulfilling,folk/rock recording CD's. Simple as that.....thanks. Let's have fun. Dave.
I concur w/ the panel;
Tracy Chapman, John Prine, Jack Jackson, Amos Lee,
Bob Dylan are great recordings for openers.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Although I'd characterize the sound as ok rather than especially good, I'll nevertheless mention The New Christy Minstrels "Greatest Hits" CD. Very likable music, IMO, including their best known hits from the 1960's such as "Today" and "Green, Green."

Regarding the comments about lack of follow-up by the OP, I'm not sure that everyone has noticed that his post was from 2005.

-- Al
Picaresque by The Decemberists is an excellent recording and work  with many folk elements.   Recorded in a church somewhere I believe.