Hello everyone!

I've just registered a moment ago to ask you good folks for your opinions. I need to buy a new integrated amp.

I listen all sorts of music, but predominantly 70's and 80's rock, metal, disco and synth-pop. I listen a lot of orchestral soundtracks too.

I have Sonus faber Toy Towers which I generally like very much, but in my room of 19 square meters they tend to produce a bit too much bass with my old amp (Magnum IA.170) and Kimber 8 PR speaker cables.

I've recently sold Magnum and I want to change speaker cables. I still have no idea about cables, but regarding the amplifier - right now, here where I live in central Europe, there are 4 used integrated amps in second-hand market, which are interesting to me.

They are all similarly priced, similarly old, all in allegedly fantastic condition. Since I never heard any of them, and since they all have excellent reviews, I thought that I might try to ask here for a help, which one to choose:
1) Krell KAV-300i - around 20 years old, $870
2) Densen DM-10 - around 18 years old, $970
3) Electrocompaniet ECI-4 - around 14 years old, $1100
4) Accuphase E-212 - around 14 years old, $1200

The 5th option would be to buy a new JOB INTegrated - or - JOB 225 power amplifier in combination with some head-amp which would primarily serve as preamp (like Marantz HD-DAC1 or Naim DAC-V1). Both JOBs have a price of $1700 and that is the highest price I am able to pay for amp.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this.
I recommend tube amps and DACs for truely alive sound.  I had a Cayin A100-T integrated amp which sounds totally rich and alive and should have enough power to drive the Sonus Fabre mini towers  well and should produce incredibly dynamic alive sound and be a good match with your Sonus Fabres.  

I have owned both (but not at the same time) and understand their sonic signature's well, and this should be a match made in heaven.

Out of the s/h cheap list you posted, I would go the Krell KVA-300i as it will drive speakers with harder loads than the others.

But if you can go a bit further than the $1700 for a new or S/H one then this would be even better I believe.

Cheers George