Speaker help under $2,500

I am looking for a set of speaker suggestion around $2,500.  I like to listen to vocal like Spanish Harlem.  Other electronic gears will purchase later but differentially will do tubes.

Best Regards,
You asked about the Sonus Faber Venere 2.5s. I auditioned them a couple of times and was tempted to get them. They have a very seductive sound that works on a wide range of material. They brought me into a zen-like state playing solo lute and a Chet Baker jazz album. They have that SF "magic."

I ultimately went for the Maggie 1.7s, but the Veneres brought a strong emotional connection to the music, and really, that's what it's all about. I personally found the upper bass (around 70-100 Hz) to be a bit too voluptuous on some material.

The Stereophile review is pretty favorable (http://www.stereophile.com/content/sonus-faber-venere-25-loudspeaker#cyPiXZtsy3iyTvJp.97) but both the reviewer and the measurements noticed this hump (http://www.stereophile.com/content/sonus-faber-venere-25-loudspeaker-measurements#zf0Zb65PaheJ0O5Q.9...). Atkinson figures the two woofers' overlap causes this.
Last week I listened to the newer Sonus Fabers from the Venere's to the Olympias.I used to love that line, but when I compared them to the Vandersteens I felt that the Vandy's were much clearer and more accurate.  The sound stage was wider and deeper to my ear.  The SF were very romantic, but I was able to connect better with the Vandy 2's.  If you can get a pair or 3 sigs, then go for it as I'm sure you'll be very happy.  good luck.

It was my mistake I told my wife that I really want Sonus Faber Venere 2.5 before I posted the question here and did not talk to her regarding speaker after that.  So I was looking to get a used Vandersteens 3 and told my wife about it and she told me that my brand new Verene 2.5 is at her work and it will be my Christmas present.  I don't know what to tell her.  I really want used Vandersteens 3 now.  So I guess I will stuck with it for awhile and sure will try to get it of it soon and then will get Vandersteens for sure.  Very sad for Christmas present this year that I DON'T want it...what can I do... Just have to pretend that I like it.  :(   

By the way, Thank you so much for all inputs here.  Specially Big Thank you to Spence (sbank) for all the help and educated me.  Merry Christmas everyone.