VPI Traveler and Lyra Delos

Is the Delos overkill on the Traveler? I have a Dynavector 20x2M currently, but I'm keeping an eye out for a replacement sooner rather than later. 
Agreed, you would do better by upgrading table/arm first and cartridge/phono second. At least I think so.

I disagree with the others.

I know a guy who runs a Delos on on Pro-ject 9CC tonearm, part of  a $1200 Pro-ject turntable.  It sounds awesome through his system and he is very happy.  I don't see why the 10.5" gimbaled bearing arm on the Traveler couldn't handle a Delos either.

The Delos' compliance is 12 @ 100 Hz so about 20 at 10 hz.  Its weight with mounting hardware is about 7.8 grams.  The effective mass of the Traveler tonearm is 12 grams.  Calculate all this together and you come up with a resonant frequency of 8.  Right in the green!

Matching components isn't always about the price tags they carry.  Its about what works well and compliments one another.  This looks like a great match so go for it - I'll bet it will sound wonderful.