Turntable for life

I know the question has been asked before but it’s worth asking again. Many change equipment frequently, but have you found your turntable for life?  One that you’ve had for years and still pleases you so much you are going to keep it forever? Price is irrelevant--it can be 300 Dollars or 30.000 Dollars 
I would prefer a Rockport.  I remember clearly the Stereophile review if that turntable, I think in 1996.  I can't get past the Cobra arm, and of the two people I know that actually have it, they say it's a total pain in the butt to set up and swap out cartridges.  Something it shouldn't be for the price paid.

There was time a long time ago in a place far far away that most of my customers had Rockport turntables.  One of the very few turntables to have its own vibration isolation system built in.  That was back in the Golden Age of Vibration Isolation, of course.
I have no intention of changing out my VPI TNT V with SME V and Koetsu Urushi in this lifetime!
I have a turntable that looks a lot like an old Empire 208, but it has a different platter pad, damped platter and the plinth is machined from solid aluminum. Its equipped with a Triplanar arm.

Its been hard to beat. I've been running it since 1992. I have to replace the belt every 4-6 years or so.

The motor and bearings on this machine are proven bullet-proof. I've no doubt that it will outlive me.
VPI TNT III "Special" turntable (1999)
VPI JMW-10 for every, easy, "very fine", "indexed" adjustment possible, and arm damping
VPI stand and maple top plate
VPI dust cover
VPI stainless steel record clamp

Dead quiet, warm, accurate speed, and 3D sound!

Keeper for life!