Best affordable amp for Thiel CS3.6

I have a pair of CS3.6's, which I am currently driving with a pair of Adcom GFA-555II's in bridged mono mode. While I am fairly happy with this setup, I realize that the Adcoms may not be in the same league as the Thiels. Any suggestions as to what amps mate well with the CS3.6's? Ideally, I'd love to find an amp (or two, if mono) for under $2,000, but if it's worthwhile, I may go higher. Obviously, if there is a great option out there for less money, I'd be even more interested. Used gear is fine with me, if it is quality gear. I am also considering modding my Adcoms to smooth out the mids/highs and add a little support in the low end.

Another consideration is that I am currently using an Adcom GFA-2535 for my center channel (Thiel SCS3) and surrounds (AR TSW-110), and since it is nice to have matching amps for HT, I'd probably have to add an additional amp or two (eventually).

My sources are currently a Denon DCM-460 and a JVC SA-600, but these are likely to be upgraded in the relatively near future. Both are sending digital outs to my Rotel RSP-1066, which handles the processing.

Thanks for any input/advice.

I've been using the PS HCA2 for three years with mine- the sound is gorgeous and there is plenty of horsepower on tap. The best bang for the buck wtih the 3.6s, I'm sure.
Since June 2005, when I made a number of changes to my system, I've been driving my 3.6s with a pair of the Rowland 201 monoblocks, and I've been very pleased with the combination. The sound is smoother, fuller, more relaxed and more natural, while at the same time more detailed, than it was before. I can only echo what Gnobber said on 1-22-04: it's amazing how the 3.6s reward you whenever a higher quality component is inserted upstream -- the improvement is immediately audible!
Hi Tom and others. I've read this post with much interest. And although I see it's old, on the outside chance that there is email notifications on new posts, I put this here as well.

I've just posted a question that refreshes all of this discussion, as I've just purchased a set of Thiel 3.6s, and am looking to outfit the speakers with an appropriate amp. --Or at the very least, an upgrade path that begins with an affordable solution for the time being.

As Tom's post seems to conclude, Theta is a well-recommended brand; and I see an opportunity to purchase a Casablanca unit. But this seems to be not an amp, but controller/pre-amp of sorts. And although most people, across this entire discussion, are saying >200 watts per channel, it was interesting that the Theta Intrepid was 100 wpc. The system I was originally looking at was Denon AVR-x7200, as this brought me many of the features I was looking for: music focus ability, then 4k passthrough HT, Airplay and/or AppleTV, Internet radio, and Network attached storage for lossless-type play.

Could you give me some thoughts please? Or perhaps review my just-placed post for thoughts?

Thanks much!

I love Thiel speakers as well. These things crave high-current, so keep this fact in mind when choosing power amps.

Keep me posted & Happy listening!