Upgrade Primaluna Dialogue 2 to Dialogue Premium

I currently own the Dialogue 2 Integrated amp and wondering if it is worth upgrading to the Premium. The reviews of the Premium have been quite positive but no comparison to the D2. My speakers are the Focal 1027be which can be revealing at the higher frequencies especially with digital sources. I prefer the sound of the SED Winged 'C' SL34 tubes over the original KT88. Has anyone compared the 2 amps?
I eventually upgraded to the premium and found the sound a bit more open and detailed. I also changed the stock Primaluna EL34 tubes to the GL KT-77 and the stock 12AU7 to the Cifte 12AU7 and recommended by Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. This made the sound more 3D and a larger soundstage.