Decision Decision Decision between Cary and Audio Research Sound

My decision came down to Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED or Audio Research VS-55...60 amp.
I am currently using Audio Research LS7 preamp(but will upgrade to better pre amp if I go with AR amp).

As suggestion from here that Cary and AR are different sounding as Cary sound is warmth and AR sound is transparency. My problem is that I don’t have any dealer that carry both brands so I can go to listen to it and pick the sound I like between the two.

Need help from you guys again, who owned or had listen to both and which sounding would you like more?

Or if not even related to Carry or Audio Research, can be any brands,  Would you prefers Warmth or transparency sound and why?

Thank you for your time.

Since you already have a preamp why not go the separates route with ARC? Not espousing the sound per se I have no experience with it, but it will give you flexibility plus the gear should play together well. Also never heard the Cary SLI-80 though my personal experience with Cary has been a mixed bag sound wise.
I've owned the Cary sli-80 F-1 addition & the ARC vsi55 (which may sound different than the vs55) but for my tastes I definitely preferred the Cary especially in triode mode (my speakers are tube friendly & a relatively easy load which IMO is paramount).  The ARC seemed gutsier & quicker but wasn't as resolving as the Cary or quite 20/20 vision if you get my drift.  I think the ARC may be more reliable tube wise (less tubes & no tube rectifiers) but if an output tube goes it might take out a resistor as the output tubes aren't fused like the Cary.  I also like the fact the Cary is hard-wired point to point.

do not waste your time/money on an ARC integrated.
ARC separates are much, much better. Cary would be better in this regard. Rogue Audio is a nice follow up.
I agree with pehare +1
and jafant +1.
I have heard both and much prefere the Cary.