Glen Frey has passed ...

Just got an alert that Glenn Frey of the Eagles has passed at the age of 67 from complications of intestinal issues, rheumatoid arthritis, and pneumonia.  Another prominent musician of our youth (and later years) has passed on, such a shame ...

Sad to hear about Glen. Long lived people are celebrated as something to aspire to but in the end, they are the exception. Case in point: my sister's boss's husband just passed away at age 59. His son just got his CPA, his daughter works for Tesla and his wife is the head of finances for Warner Brothers. You can have it all but when the calling comes, we all must answer. It makes my decision to retire all the more pertinent. 

All the best,
Glen was a fantastic guy and a most capable musician but he was a founding member of the Eagles not THE Eagles!
As much as I agree here with all of you ( and perhaps in recent years the pain of several severe ailments) made him petty as to financial renumerations divided by the band as well as his dismissal of "former members" from sharing in the Kennedy Center Awards!
In my opinion he wasn't an icon... They ALL were as a band! Ultimately kharma can be unforgiving...