Single vs Double Bi-wire....should I reconsider?

I just finished setting up new 2CE Sig 2s.  I just purchased Rocket 44 in a single B-wire as AQ had said that would still outperform a double bi-wire type 4. The Vandersteen manual seems to strongly suggest true bi-wire.

At twice the price - is it worth it to try and change the order to get double bi-wire?
You can read all about it from the designer/engineer himself.  He does a great job of explaining the benefit and technical rationale.  I have a great deal of respect for Richard, and currently own Model 5s plus a 2Wq (although I will be selling it soon).  http//
IMHO, I would definitely reconsider. Anything you read from Vandersteen is very direct about using a true bi-wire. FWIW, I have read threads in this forum from Vandersteen owners that said, a true bi-wire cable will sound better than a somewhat more expensive single cable with split connectors.

Well...If you look at the cable geometry, the Rocket 44 is pretty similar to a double bi-wire type 4. The Rocket 44 is basically 2 parallel star-quad runs in a single sheath. This is why the Rocket 44 cable is a good single bi-wire candidate. However, the Rocket 44 is constructed with better materials than the type 4, hence Richards recommendation (probably). A single bi-wire Rocket 44 should be a step up from what you have. 
Smaller error in kjweisner link - missing colon, updated.
Als0 - there is A LOT of information in that link besides bi-wiring.


Next up, Richard says the cables need to be separated by at least 1"-2".   Does anyone have a suggestion for cable separators?  Where to get them.  I guess I need something that isn't metal, and won't collect static electricity.