Who are the most underground high-end companies

When I say underground I am talking about companies that fly below the radar. Not much talk about them on audio forums, little if no reviews, no formal advertising, rarely see their gear at shows.

Ocellia,Wyetch Labs ,Yamamoto,Triode Corp of Japan  and to a lesser degree Coincident.
Are you looking for a list of obscure high-end companies or high end companies that make what we think are good components and should be recognized?

For just speaker drivers and components, I would elect, among the rarest:

G.I.P. Labs

For tube electronics (amps, DACs):

Audio Note
Aldo D'Urso

For more sensibly priced stuff:

Synthesis (amps, dacs)
Vinnie Rossi (integrated amps with everything built in)
Lavardin (integrated amps)
LFD (integrated amps)
Trenner & Friedl (speakers)

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When searching gear often the name Sugden comes up . Typically from posts from people in Europe . Audio Analogue as well