Ayon measurements

I was wondering if anyone could point me at a set of measurements for an Ayon amplifier, something like those that Stereophile often provides, particularly THD+N and the sine wave frequency spectrum showing harmonics. Although I feel that listening is the ultimate test, I like to use the measurements as a baseline for how well engineered a product actually is. I've looked high and low for measurements for any Ayon amp, and haven't found any yet. Thanks,
Some of the best sounding (and best built) tube amps I have heard do not measure well. Specs probably have little to do with how happy you will be with it. You have probably heard the saying "If it measures well and sounds terrible, it IS terrible. If it sounds great but measures bad, you need to find something else to measure".
Which amps?  Ayon makes both PP and SET, both types with differing output tubes.  So measurements for one amp won't correlate against another.  Google the crossfire III; there was a German review that I believe included measurements.  But please don't use those measurements if you are looking at a KT88 amp.
I don't know about measurements but I can tell you that my Ayon Tritton 3 is very quiet and has very black background. It's also very dynamic in pentode mode as well.