Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?

I think it has become that way. Some people flaunt that they have high end systems and they listen to certain kinds of music and I think it puts the hobby in a negative light at times.
Well the reason why the question was asked because there seems to be the idea that lower end equipment and certain musical genres are somehow inferior. I don’t think the hobby should be that way. I have been fortunate enough to experience the growth of hip hop at the same time enjoy jazz, rock and blues. I have an appreciation for some classical music but i don’t listen to it most of the time. I think that it can be that way at times but I think at times it can be a little high brow. However there are people in it that are truly in it for the music and sound quality. There are others that are in it too say look what I got and because I have it I’m somehow better than a DIY guy. Lol. Interesting conversation
I'm new to high end audio. I got my first system only 3 weeks ago. But, I've been into other expensive hobbies... cars, astronomy, and photography. My experience over the years has been very consistent - I have encountered enthusiasts who appreciate the quality and value of their equipment, but are down-to-earth and help new-bies grow in the hobby; and I've come across snooty folks who love to show off their equipment, can only talk about how expensive it is, and will look down upon others using less expensive equipment.
@rsangole. Welcome.  I have been blessed to listen to some great systems.  With some great down to earth guys. I've listened to Raidho with soulutions gear. Very expensive.  However the guy who owned it was great and he enjoyed finding out about new music.  I met to other guys who let me demo great products at different price points.  They could enjoy vastly different musical genres. I guess ultimately you have to remember to get the best you can afford. Then properly match it and enjoy.  I have ran into snooty guys in the hobby but I have also met great folks who it's truly about music. Not the genre but the music. Please keep it that way on your audiophile journey.