Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
That's quite an endorsement of the Black fuses impact relative  to the Jadis amps versus  your 45 SET. I should have mine  in about a week. Given your system makeup I know the  resolution is very acute . This will permit you to easily hear and distinguish sonic changes.

Hello again, Guys ...

Good news! After leaving the CD player on repeat 24/7 for several days the two black fuses in the player have finally broken in. Here's what I'm experiencing:

The "pinched" and non-musical artifacts of the unbroken in black fuses are completely gone. What is left is a totally new experience in transparency, focus, air, tonality and realism.  The RED fuses, as good as they are, are now relegated to the toy box.

How does one describe the sound of "nothing?" 

In a word ...  the red fuses are veiled in comparison to the blacks. Hearing these broken-in black fuses over the red fuses is like hearing a fully  broken-in red fuse over a stock fuse. Its that significant. No bull. I could have never imagined that such realism could be attained in one's living room from red book CD's.

Both Charles and I have written about the "layering" effect of the red fuses that is so attractive. Well, forget about "layering." I'm now convinced that that "layering" effect is some sort of distortion, even though its quite remarkable in its own right and fun to listen to. With the black fuses, the effect isn't so much the perception of "layering," but more like each instrument/musician has an actual place in the room.

I've heard transparency from the black fuses from the get-go, but when things snapped to and really became focused during last night's listening session that transparency was drastically improved ... along with even more musicality and emotional impact than was experienced with the red fuses.

Charles ... you are going to love these black fuses. Just wait until you hear Monk!

Call me a nut case (and I'm sure wolf-garcia will *lol*) but during last night's session I was so taken by the music that I actually got up and started dancing between the speakers. It was just me and the band in the room. Good grief! I couldn't stop smiling. Head bobbing and toe tapping. The music was back!

I know many of you have the Clapton Unplugged CD. Well, Eric Clapton was in my living room last night. I've always enjoyed that CD ... but this was live, I tells ya ... LIVE!

Here's the bottom line. Get the SR Black fuses if you want to really hear what your system can do. Keep in mind though ... you have a significant break-in period ahead of you. During the break in period, you most likely will not enjoy your system, preferring to watch the news instead. If you have the patients though, you 'll be in a position to enjoy your system as never before.  In other words, don't expect anything until at least the 70 hour mark.

Thanks go out to the folks at Synergetic Research for a stellar product and to highend-electronics for their stellar service. Betty and Alfred ... you folks are the best!

Robert, my fellow local audiophile, also known in these parts as "Mister Golden Ears," will be coming over tonight for a listening session. He's going to be blown away. Stay tuned ... I'll give another report tomorrow.

Happy listening guys ...

Oregonpapa, glad you have obtained such outstanding results with the black fuses. A question I would ask, though, in all sincerity, is how do you know that these findings were not primarily caused by effects on the player itself that might have resulted from being operated in repeat mode 24/7 for several days?

Best regards,
-- Al
Well I suggest that Oregonpapa could put the Red or stock fuses into his CD player, listen and observe if there are changes, and if so what are they.  I replaced the SR Red fuses temporarily with my previous 20 fuses to compare. Unequivocally the sound quality and sheer musically is noticeably diminished with the SR Red fuses removed, very stark contrast. As I suspected, the Black fuses needed sufficient burn in time.