Searching for LONG / NARROW players

Hi all, I'm interested in long and narrow CD player or CD transport, a really good one.

I know about CYRUS...

What else is there with similar design, hopefully in high end category, better than Audio Analogue Primo, but cheaper than Esoteric P-2?

Thank you very much!
Yeah thanks,
I know about that Phatos, and about Mimetism MA-27.2, but I need something a bit more affordable.
Maybe Rega Apollo - - but I'm not a big fan of that look.
Anything else out there? I know there's TASCAM in that dimensions, probably vintage...
What I don't like with all these British players (Cyrus, Rega, Musical Fidelity) is that none of them has balanced outputs, and some of them don't even have detachable power cord.
01-29-2016 2:56pm
What I don't like with all these British players (Cyrus, Rega, Musical Fidelity) is that none of them has balanced outputs, and some of them don't even have detachable power cord..."


(1) REGA , CYRUS,  ARCAM, MF, LINN, NAIM, ROKSAN, CREEK, U-NAME-IT , and all the rest of the Euro quality build cd spinners ALL DO HAVE detachable independent power cords (mains power supply in Euro-speak)  ... Full stop. They make them for a world-wide market with different connector plugs and different power grids... 

 REGA / LINN / NAIM  - as examples - even supply their own custom  bespoke power cords  (~$250- 300 price-point ) instead of the standard cheap crap quality bargain basement throw-in cables in cheap quality kit. 

even my prior B system Chi-fi NAD budget  followed suit, but it certainly  sounded much better when I upgraded the throw-in ultra cheap supplied power cord to a better quality upgraded one.

( 2) My REGA cdp certainly does have balanced outputs (XLR) that I use in addition to the separate set of  unbalanced (RCA) outputs .