Aurender N10 compared to Bryston BDP2

I know they are in different cost brackets, but has anyone compared the Aurender N10 to the Bryston BDP2? 
I just ordered a N-10 to replace my Bryston BDP-2
I'll be able to tell you in about a week.
I believe it's going to sound better. But mainly I'm tired of the problems with the Bryston interface. Artwork doesn't change, Tidal interface mediocre, music delays and skips when changing bit rates while playing through USB cable, etc etc
I just wanted a higher quality product.
I'll let you know about sound in a couple of weeks
I've talked to a couple people regarding the N10 versus the BDP2. I've concluded that it isn't worth the price difference to me and I'm going to update my BDP2. In addition, I've decided to replace my SVS SB13 Ultra subs, with JL Audio  F110s.