What is the best OTL out there?

Hello. I've always been curious about OTL amplifiers, but never tried one except for the very unusual (and wonderful) Berning Siegfried, which was both SET and OTL. I wonder if there is an agreement as to which OTL currently in production can be considered to be the best. Ciao.
Most OTL  are not producing enough plate dissipation for a pair of tubes,Imagine for a pair of 6c33c tube with max.of 60 watts plate dissipation can produce more than 25 watts class A of power, 3 x of 300b output in SE.
Not trying to change the subject, it just seemed like all the posters here would be the ones to ask. I would like to get recommendations as to whether anyone uses an OTL amp with Quad 57's. I bought a pair of these to try, after all these years, I have never heard a pair so I figured it was time to try them out. I have read on some other forums that a lot of the recommended amps mentioned here were if I remember correctly also recommended for the Quads. Does anyone have any experience with this pairing? 
Most OTL  are not producing enough plate dissipation for a pair of tubes,Imagine for a pair of 6c33c tube with max.of 60 watts plate dissipation can produce more than 25 watts class A of power, 3 x of 300b output in SE.
Its not a matter of plate dissipation, its a matter of output impedance. For some reason people really do want a low power OTL, but what happens is as you decrease the number of power tubes more and more of the total power generated by the output section is absorbed by the output section itself. So if you build a bigger amp its more efficient and the individual power tubes run cooler.

Not trying to change the subject, it just seemed like all the posters here would be the ones to ask. I would like to get recommendations as to whether anyone uses an OTL amp with Quad 57's. I bought a pair of these to try, after all these years, I have never heard a pair so I figured it was time to try them out. I have read on some other forums that a lot of the recommended amps mentioned here were if I remember correctly also recommended for the Quads. Does anyone have any experience with this pairing?

Quads and OTLs have a history together going clear back to the 1950s. We have a lot of customers that use our amps with ESL57s and ESL63s which are good speakers for OTLs due to a fairly benign impedance curve.
Hello atmasphere, I recently bought a JBL Paragon. I have not received it yet, but it's on its way on a truck. My current setup is a CJ ART 2 preamp, and an EDGE NL-12 amp. I wonder if an OTL might be a better way to go...any experience with Paragons?
I hope it arrives in good shape!

Our Michigan dealer has Paragons (if I recall right, the big one and the little one). He says our amps work fine with them. I've not experienced it myself- but you could ask him- he's the guy that makes the Classic Audio Loudspeakers.