

anyone here using a Marantz SACD player? Specifically, the special or limited editions?
I'm using the SA 7S1.  Really great sound for SACD/CD if you're not the type that likes an analytical sound. Have had no problems over the years that I've owned it. Built like a tank. Reasonable prices used. Haven't really felt compelled to upgrade.
I have been using a Marantz SA-11S1 with Ultimate Tube mod from pcX for over 8 years now. Great CDP! Like barrysandy says, very musical, not one of those sterile, analytical sounding units.

I've have the Marantz SA-15S2b and really like what I hear with it. I didn't know a SACD player could make redbook sound so much better than on a regular CD player.

Before the Marantz, I had a Consonance CD player that played just standard redbook (no over/upsampling) and thought the world of it, but the Marantz had much deeper and better articulated bass, richer (more fuller and developed)  mids, and extended highs. All of it amounted to greater presence.

Before anyone flames about streaming and that the CD is dead, the best digital I've heard was a few shows ago at Newport and it was in the MSB room when I listened to what I thought was the best PC audio at the show and it was "just" a CD playing. One can go on and on about the limitations of CD and what can go wrong but it doesn't mean that it necessarily will go wrong.

Luddite that I am, I'll eventually dip my toes in the PC water, but as for now.....

All the best,


I have two Marantz SACD players, the 11s! in one system and the flagship 7s1 in my main system.  I've had both for several years.  Obviously, I've been happy with them.  One thing I would suggest is that you upgrade the fuses in either player.  It made a big difference for me in the focus and breath of the soundstage.  As others have said, Marantz gives you a full rich sound and a player that is built like the proverbial tank.